ELGEF Plus Reference Cases

With ELGEF Plus, GF Piping Systems enables infinite possibilities for their pressurized PE piping systems by creating made-to-match quality products. The product range offers peace of mind through outstanding quality, and leak-tight connections resulting in over 25 years of customer satisfaction of water and gas applications.

Get to know the challenging demands and stories our customers and learn where ELGEF Plus already optimized water and gas networks:

  • Water Utilities
  • Gas Utilities
  • Firefighting
  • Heating/Cooling
  • Others


Durable piping system for CO2-neutral energy recovery, Switzerland

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Water Utilities

Gas Supply



Offering the full solution

Searching for more solutions for your applications?

Our goal is to solve critical water and infrastructure challenges through innovation. Helping communities globally, we optimize resource and water management, improve water security, and build a more sustainable world. GF Piping Systems serves customer’s water needs from utilities to industrial, commercial, and other end-users of water.

By developing highly engineered products and industry-leading technologies, we create solutions that span the water cycle. 

NeoFlow Pressure Reducing Valve

Protect your water distribution network from excess pressure and reduce leakage rates and pipe bursts. NeoFlow is a state-of-the-art technology for pressure management that can prevent your pipes over-pressurizing while delivering accurate, stable flow, and increased flow capacity to utilities.