SYGEF ECTFE by GF Piping Systems enables reliable water treatment at Merck & Cie.

18/07/2023 - 10:00 (Horário de Brasília)

Merck & Cie. is a subsidiary of the German group Merck KGaA and specializes in the Healthcare and Life Science sectors. The company uses plastic piping systems in water treatment applications to safely and reliably transport hazardous media. In 2022, Merck installed SYGEF ECTFE by GF Piping Systems. 

Merck uses a special plant in order to treat a selection of wastewater with hazardous chemicals. While metal or polyethylene systems are usually selected for water treatment in the healthcare and life science sectors, the Swiss company decided to install SYGEF ECTFE by GF Piping Systems, a solution made of ethylene chlorotrifluoroethylene that has been specifically designed for an extended system life in applications requiring harsh chemicals.


Due to tight spaces, the complex layout of the existing polyethylene pipes had to be replicated as precisely as possible. Thanks to automated infrared welding machines (IR-A) by GF Piping Systems, all system components could be installed quickly and safely, and the strict deadline was met. The properties of the SYGEF ECTFE piping system now offer Merck an even longer lasting operation of their wastewater plant, while maintenance costs and downtime could be reduced.


Christian Schiefer, Global Product Manager SYGEF at GF Piping Systems, is pleased with the results of the project. “With SYGEF ECTFE, we were able to provide a complete solution that combines a number of important benefits for Merck. On one hand, ECTFE is an exceptionally resistant material that is suitable for most aggressive chemicals in combination with high process temperatures and pressures. At the same time, space-saving industrial short spigot fittings and unique jointing technology from a single source offer maximum system reliability with a best-in-class service life.”


SYGEF ECTFE is an infrared-welded plastic solution that ensures maximum operational stability, and has been designed with a focus on human and environmental safety. During development, GF Piping Systems therefore carried out a wide range of product tests in compliance with ISO 10931, as well as chemical pressure tests in the main operational range between 0°C and 80°C using a variety of hazardous media.



Access the full reference case here.


Find out more about SYGEF ECTFE by GF Piping Systems.

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


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Como líder no fornecimento de soluções para o transporte seguro e sustentável de fluidos, a GF Piping Systems cria conexões para a vida (Connections for Life). A divisão é líder no setor de soluções de tubulação estanques para inúmeras e exigentes aplicações no mercado. Seu consistente foco no cliente e na inovação se reflete em sua presença global de vendas, serviços, fabricação e em seu portfólio premiado, incluindo conexões, válvulas, tubos, automação, pré-fabricação e tecnologias de união de tubulações.

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