SMM 2024: GF Piping Systems to display energy-efficient and long-lasting solutions for the marine industry

08/08/24 - 18:00 (Ora dell’Europa centrale)

With its mission statement “Driving the maritime transition”, this year’s SMM trade fair in Hamburg, Germany, is focusing on innovative technologies that will shape the future of the sector. GF Piping Systems will present a comprehensive portfolio of valve technology and various piping solutions with marine certifications by leading classification societies. 

Modern marine applications require technologies that meet two major criteria: Energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness. On the one hand, operators need to meet increasingly demanding sustainability guidelines as part of a larger strategy to transform the sector. At the same time, they require reliable and long-lasting components for a cost-effective operation. At SMM 2024 in Hamburg, GF Piping Systems will therefore present thermoplastic piping solutions that address the needs of the industry by combining a lower weight, a longer service life thanks to corrosion-resistance, and increased energy-efficiency compared to metal systems.

Thanks to its design, the Butterfly Valve 565 Lug-Style adds new use cases in water applications on board. It can be used as an end valve which enables piping systems to be disassembled one-sided, facilitating the maintenance and operation of filters, tanks, and other installations, as well as fast replacements. As standard, the lightweight 565 Lug-Style features removable plug-in inserts that can be configured to fulfill the needs of a wide variety of applications. The 565 is also the first industrial butterfly valve to receive an environmental product declaration (EPD) for added transparency. 

In addition, the company will also show a variety of plastic piping systems for different temperature ranges and media. HEAT-FIT by GF Piping Systems is compatible with the ecoFIT range of polyethylene pipes and fittings and is designed to offer protection against fire with a temperature of up to 1000°C for 30 minutes at a pressure of 3 bar. Along with the original pipe jacket system, GF Piping Systems offers the co-extruded version HEAT-FIT PE which significantly speeds up the installation process. 

COOL-FIT is a completely pre-insulated plastic piping system designed for secondary refrigeration applications using chilled water as well as glycol, ethanol, and brine in the -50°C to +60°C temperature range. The factory-installed insulation and vapor-proof construction result in an up to 30% more energy-efficient insulation performance compared to post-insulated metal systems and an installation that is up to 50% faster thanks to pre-insulated components and electrofusion technology. And thanks to the on average 60% lower weight than post-insulated metal systems, COOL-FIT enables the overall fuel efficiency of ships.

For applications involving grey and black water, GF Piping Systems will showcase SeaDrain White made of light, flexible, strong, and corrosion-free high-performance polymer. The bright white colour contains additives for UV resistance against discoloration, negating the need for paint also for external use. This reduces installation times and can also lead to significant cost savings for large projects. 

Roberto Chiesa, Global Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, looks forward to visiting SMM: “As the marine industry advances towards greater efficiency and sustainability, the choice of pipe and valve materials becomes increasingly important. I am excited to not only present our innovative solutions at our booth, but also to discuss how they can significantly enhance ship performance while reducing the overall environmental impact during our presentation ‘Valve Materials Matter: Enhancing Ship Efficiency and Sustainability’.”

Meet Roberto Chiesa and GF Piping Systems’ marine experts from September 3 to 6 at booth A2.211 (Hall A2) and booth A2.FG.02 (outside Hall A2) or attend the presentation “Valve Materials Matter: Enhancing Ship Efficiency and Sustainability” by Roberto Chiesa on September 6, 1:35 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. at the Green Stage Hall A4.

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GF Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems crea connessioni per la vita in qualità di fornitore di soluzioni idriche e di flusso di prima qualità per le industrie e per le infrastrutture (ivi compresi i più grandi data center) consentendo un trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi. La società si concentra su sistemi di tubazioni leak-free e su servizi di ingegneria all'avanguardia per numerosi segmenti di mercato particolarmente esigenti, sempre con l’obiettivo di coniugare efficienza energetica ed innovazione tecnologica, sicurezza ed affidabilità, longevità e breve ritorno dell’investimento. L'impronta globale di vendita, progettazione e produzione riflette la forte attenzione alla centralità del cliente, e il suo prestigioso portfolio contempla raccordi, valvole, tubi, soluzioni per l’automazione industriale, strumenti di misura e tecnologie di giunzione. GF Piping Systems è presente in 33 Paesi con proprie società di vendita, e in 15 con hub produttivi, per essere sempre al fianco dei propri partner. Gli stabilimenti di produzione, ubicati in 40 diverse località tra Americhe, Europa, Medio Oriente ed Asia, garantiscono una disponibilità e una consegna rapida e affidabile. Nel 2023, GF Piping Systems ha raggiunto un fatturato di 2.100 milioni di franchi svizzeri in virtù di un organico composto da 8.798 persone. GF Piping Systems Italia, con sede ad Agrate Brianza (MB), occupa più di 60 addetti e produce un giro di affari intorno ai 62 milioni di euro. L’azienda, certificata UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, opera con una rete vendita di funzionari e di agenti presenti sull’intero territorio nazionale e distribuisce i propri prodotti attraverso una rete formata da 500 rivenditori. GF Piping Systems è una divisione di Georg Fischer AG (GF).