Fire and ice: GF Piping Systems to show complete solutions for marine applications at Nor-Shipping 2023

18/05/2023 - 07:00 (Horário de Brasília)

The company will display lightweight, corrosion-free, and sustainable plastic piping for the safe transport of water on board. The marine approved systems cover a wide range of applications in passenger and merchant vessels. Nor-Shipping takes place in Oslo, Norway, from 6 to 9 June, 2023. 

The marine industry is facing a number of challenges. On the one hand, it is continuously looking for modern technology to optimize the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of ships and offshore applications. At the same time, it requires a reliable supply chain as well as technical support in all phases from planning to commissioning. At Nor-Shipping 2023, GF Piping Systems will therefore display complete solutions, from ballast water treatment and cooling to onboard water supply. These include the fire-retardant pipe jacket system HEAT-FIT for use in essential applications, the pre-insulated COOL-FIT system for HVAC applications, the Hycleen Automation System for hygienic and safe drinking water management, and the Butterfly Valve 565 for lightweight flow control.


The thermoplastic piping systems, components, and services with marine approvals by GF Piping Systems have been trusted by shipyards, owners, and operators for more than 30 years. Applications include water treatment and distribution, grey and black water disposal, cooling, as well as exhaust gas scrubbing and ballast water distribution and treatment. Besides pipes and fittings, the company also provides equipment for measurement and control, as well as automation and jointing. Thermoplastics have a lower carbon footprint compared to metal and feature renewable and recyclable materials. Their low weight simplifies logistics and handling during the installation and maintenance. Once installed, thermoplastic piping systems are corrosion-free which leads to a service life of up to 25 years and beyond, while their low weight and energy efficiency help ships to reduce their fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, GF Piping Systems has a global presence with 36 production sites and 18 prefabrication facilities in a total of 31 countries, and is therefore capable of customized solutions according to customer specifications.


Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, comments on Nor-Shipping 2023: “At Nor-Shipping we want to show that we follow a holistic approach to the marine industry and offer complete solutions from a single source that can be installed throughout ships. This is possible due to our global production and prefabrication capabilities, which enable flexible and efficient support in all project phases. And, thanks to the material benefits of thermoplastic piping systems, we can contribute to the marine industry’s sustainability goals and its compliance with IMO guidelines.”


One of many examples where products by GF Piping Systems are helping ships to be built and operated more sustainably: In 2022, GF Piping outfitted Costa Luminosa, a 92.000 GT cruise ship with a capacity of 2,800 passengers, with a new hot and cold water manifold. After discovering that the original metal system was suffering from corrosion, the Costa Cruise Line decided to replace the ageing components with more durable alternatives. Data taken from 3D scans was used to precisely replicate the manifolds with custom-made, prefabricated ecoFIT and INSTAFLEX systems made from polyethylene and polybutene, respectively. Thanks to GF Piping Systems’ CAD libraries and prefabrication capabilities, the replacement manifold could be adapted to the specific needs of Costa Luminosa, and the installation could be carried out quickly with a minimal impact on the passengers and crew. The ship now benefits from a lightweight, corrosion-free solution that requires very little maintenance and reduces operational costs.


Visit GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping in Oslo from 6 to 9 June 2023 at booth D01-08.  


Find out more about the marine portfolio by GF Piping Systems.


Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Sobre a GF FGS

Em fevereiro de 2021, a GF Piping Systems adquiriu a principal fabricante brasileira de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade, conexões e equipamentos complementares, FGS Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda (FGS), que passou a se chamar GF FGS. Com a força combinada de ambas as empresas, a GF FGS oferece uma gama completa e integrada de produtos e serviços para inúmeros segmentos de mercado no Brasil, reforçando ainda mais o compromisso da GF Piping Systems de crescer no país e na região da América Latina. A GF FGS oferece soluções e serviços para água, gás e aplicações industriais, fornecendo aos clientes produtos e tecnologias inovadoras e capacitando-os a atender todas as suas necessidades.

Como líder no fornecimento de soluções para o transporte seguro e sustentável de fluidos, a GF Piping Systems cria conexões para a vida (Connections for Life). A divisão é líder no setor de soluções de tubulação estanques para inúmeras e exigentes aplicações no mercado. Seu consistente foco no cliente e na inovação se reflete em sua presença global de vendas, serviços, fabricação e em seu portfólio premiado, incluindo conexões, válvulas, tubos, automação, pré-fabricação e tecnologias de união de tubulações.

A GF Piping Systems possui empresas de vendas próprias em 31 países, o que significa que está sempre ao lado de seus clientes. Unidades de produção em 36 regiões localidades na América, Europa e Ásia garantem disponibilidade suficiente e entrega rápida e confiável. Em 2022, a GF Piping Systems faturou CHF 2.160 milhões com 8.085 colaboradores. A GF Piping Systems é uma divisão da Georg Fischer AG, fundada em 1802 e sediada em Schaffhausen, Suíça.