75% lower emissions than metal alternatives: The Butterfly Valve 565 with marine approvals

10/05/2023 - 10:00 (Horário de Brasília)

The plastic Butterfly Valve 565 by GF Piping Systems has previously joined the company’s portfolio for the marine industry with approvals by DNV, BV, ABS, LR, and RINA. A comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) conducted by an independent institute now also shows that the 565 is more sustainable than an equivalent metal valve. In addition, it is the first industrial butterfly valve with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). 

In 2022, experts of the leading certification societies in the maritime sector, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Bureau Veritas (BV), American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Lloyd's Register (LR), and RINA confirmed: The lightweight Butterfly Valve 565 with its materials and components in nine sizes has been tested for the safe operation onboard ships.


In order to evaluate the performance of the plastic Butterfly Valve 565, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems additionally commissioned a Life Cycle Assessment by the independent institute Swiss Climate AG. The system boundaries as well as the quality and scope of the LCA were defined in accordance with the Product Category Rule (PCR) 2019:143. To put the results into context, a Butterfly Valve 565 DN100 was compared to an equivalent metal valve in the same configuration. Furthermore, the LCA was used as the basis for an Environmental Product Declaration, a standardized and third-party verified document that estimates environmental impacts and enables comparisons between similar products.


Swiss Climate AG has come to the conclusion that the plastic valve outperforms the metal valve in a number of key areas.

-        The Butterfly Valve 565 emits 26% fewer greenhouse gas emissions when comparing the individual service lives of the two materials.

-        This gap increases to 75% when taking into account that the metal valve would have to be replaced around three times during the 565’s 23-year lifespan.

-        The plastic valve has a 21% lower water footprint.


Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, sees the results as another important milestone for the Butterfly Valve 565. “Our plastic piping systems have been approved and implemented across the marine industry in a wide range of applications. Thanks to the comparative analysis by Swiss Climate AG as well as the EPD certification, we can now also demonstrate the sustainability of the material. With the future in mind, plastic solutions can therefore be an important part of a larger strategy to make shipping more sustainable.”


The Butterfly Valve 565 is a wafer-style valve designed for water and water treatment applications and is suitable for a wide range of plastic piping systems and flange standards. The 565 features a very high pressure and temperature resistance (PN16 at 80°C). Furthermore, the material properties of its plastic components lead to a 60% lower weight compared to metal and make it more cost-effective due to a longer service life and lower maintenance requirements. Standard digital interfaces allow the Butterfly Valve 565 to be equipped with additional accessories and various types of actuation.



The results of the Butterfly Valve 565’s Life Cycle Assessment and the comparison with a metal alternative have been published in a whitepaper available here

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Sobre a GF FGS

Em fevereiro de 2021, a GF Piping Systems adquiriu a principal fabricante brasileira de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade, conexões e equipamentos complementares, FGS Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda (FGS), que passou a se chamar GF FGS. Com a força combinada de ambas as empresas, a GF FGS oferece uma gama completa e integrada de produtos e serviços para inúmeros segmentos de mercado no Brasil, reforçando ainda mais o compromisso da GF Piping Systems de crescer no país e na região da América Latina. A GF FGS oferece soluções e serviços para água, gás e aplicações industriais, fornecendo aos clientes produtos e tecnologias inovadoras e capacitando-os a atender todas as suas necessidades.

Como líder no fornecimento de soluções para o transporte seguro e sustentável de fluidos, a GF Piping Systems cria conexões para a vida (Connections for Life). A divisão é líder no setor de soluções de tubulação estanques para inúmeras e exigentes aplicações no mercado. Seu consistente foco no cliente e na inovação se reflete em sua presença global de vendas, serviços, fabricação e em seu portfólio premiado, incluindo conexões, válvulas, tubos, automação, pré-fabricação e tecnologias de união de tubulações.

A GF Piping Systems possui empresas de vendas próprias em 31 países, o que significa que está sempre ao lado de seus clientes. Unidades de produção em 36 regiões localidades na América, Europa e Ásia garantem disponibilidade suficiente e entrega rápida e confiável. Em 2022, a GF Piping Systems faturou CHF 2.160 milhões com 8.085 colaboradores. A GF Piping Systems é uma divisão da Georg Fischer AG, fundada em 1802 e sediada em Schaffhausen, Suíça.
