Plan. Build. Operate. – GF Piping Systems publishes its updated Planning Fundamentals for Utilities

18/10/2023 - 07:00 (Horário de Brasília)

For utilities around the world, success starts in the planning phase. Swiss flow solutions expert GF Piping Systems therefore offers a technical manual that provides customers with comprehensive support throughout their projects. The 2023 edition adds new products and services and is available free of charge. 

With over 60 years of experience in the field of plastics flow solutions, GF Piping Systems has been sharing its expertise with customers through technical manuals. The Planning Fundamentals for Utilities cover the company’s entire utility portfolio which includes pipes, fittings, and valves, as well as jointing technologies and additional services. At the same time, the manual supports installers and planners in selecting suitable materials, products, and jointing solutions while also providing detailed information for the installation.


The 2023 edition features new content for products including NeoFlow, a pressure regulating valve for water distribution networks with an axial flow design and a digital interface, PEcut 1200, a cutting tool for a wide range of pipe dimensions that was designed for installing polyethylene distribution and cooling systems such as ELGEF Plus, ecoFIT, and COOL-FIT, or the ELGEF Plus Y-tapping saddle with a simplified installation and optimized flow characteristics. In addition, updated guidelines help installers prevent common mistakes during the installation and welding process.


Attila Mehes, Head of CoC Product Management Utility at Georg Fischer Wavin AG, comments on the launch: “We have been a preferred partner of network operators, planning engineers, and installers for many decades. As a result, we set out to create an essential manual for the utility sector that covers the planning phase, the installation, and the operation. We believe that this comprehensive knowledge can speed up projects, improve long-term performance, and increase operational safety for life.”



Register today for a free copy of the 2023 edition of the Planning Fundamentals for Utilities by GF Piping Systems:



See some of the newly added products in action at Aqua Suisse 2023 in Zurich on 25 October and 26 October. Experts from GF Piping Systems are available in hall 5, booth E12.



Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Sobre a GF FGS

Em fevereiro de 2021, a GF Piping Systems adquiriu a principal fabricante brasileira de tubos de polietileno de alta densidade, conexões e equipamentos complementares, FGS Brasil Indústria e Comércio Ltda (FGS), que passou a se chamar GF FGS. Com a força combinada de ambas as empresas, a GF FGS oferece uma gama completa e integrada de produtos e serviços para inúmeros segmentos de mercado no Brasil, reforçando ainda mais o compromisso da GF Piping Systems de crescer no país e na região da América Latina. A GF FGS oferece soluções e serviços para água, gás e aplicações industriais, fornecendo aos clientes produtos e tecnologias inovadoras e capacitando-os a atender todas as suas necessidades.

Como líder no fornecimento de soluções para o transporte seguro e sustentável de fluidos, a GF Piping Systems cria conexões para a vida (Connections for Life). A divisão é líder no setor de soluções de tubulação estanques para inúmeras e exigentes aplicações no mercado. Seu consistente foco no cliente e na inovação se reflete em sua presença global de vendas, serviços, fabricação e em seu portfólio premiado, incluindo conexões, válvulas, tubos, automação, pré-fabricação e tecnologias de união de tubulações.

A GF Piping Systems possui empresas de vendas próprias em 31 países, o que significa que está sempre ao lado de seus clientes. Unidades de produção em 36 regiões localidades na América, Europa e Ásia garantem disponibilidade suficiente e entrega rápida e confiável. Em 2022, a GF Piping Systems faturou CHF 2.160 milhões com 8.085 colaboradores. A GF Piping Systems é uma divisão da Georg Fischer AG, fundada em 1802 e sediada em Schaffhausen, Suíça.