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Przemysł - odpowiedni system dla Twoich aplikacji

Broszura przemysłowa

Broszura przemysłowa

[ 3 MB / PDF ]

Electrofusion elbows ELGEF Plus d20 to d63mm

Electrofusion elbows ELGEF Plus d20 to d63mm

Electrofusion elbows ELGEF Plus d20 to d63mm

[ 2 MB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to Central Plastics' injection molded PE2708 Butt Fusion Fittings for pressure piping systems. This specifications covers Tees, Elbows, Caps and Reducers

GFCP BF Fitting PE2708 Specification

GFCP BF Fitting PE2708 Specification

[ 583 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' injection molded DIPS sized PE4710 Butt Fusion Fittings for pressure piping systems

GFCP BF Fitting PE4710 DIPS Specification

GFCP BF Fitting PE4710 DIPS Specification

[ 839 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' PE4710 (PLUS) butt fusion fittings for pressure piping systems. This specification covers Tees, Elbows, Caps, and Reducers

GFCP BF Fitting PE4710 Specification

GFCP BF Fitting PE4710 Specification

[ 202 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' injection molded .75", 1" and 1.25" IPS Butt Fusion U-Bend Fittings for pressure pipe systems

GFCP BF U-Bends PE4710 Specification

GFCP BF U-Bends PE4710 Specification

[ 628 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' PE4710 12IPS DR11 Electrofusion 22.5° Elbow for pressure piping systems

GFCP EF Marco 22.5° Elbow PE4710 Specification

GFCP EF Marco 22.5° Elbow PE4710 Specification

[ 650 KB / PDF ]

GF Central Plastics is pleased to announce the release of the 12 IPS DR11 EF MARCO 22.5

GFCP EF Marco Elbow Annoucement

GFCP EF Marco Elbow Annoucement

[ 413 KB / PDF ]

GFCP EF Marco Optional Configuration Announcement

GFCP EF Marco Optional Configuration Announcement

GFCP EF Marco Optional Configuration Announcement

[ 1003 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' PE4710 12IPS Electrofusion Dual Zone Couplings optional configurations for pressure piping systems

GFCP EF Marco Optional Configurations PE4710 Specification

GFCP EF Marco Optional Configurations PE4710 Specification

[ 694 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' PE4710 Electrofusion Tees and Electrofusion 45° and 90° Elbows for pressure piping systems

GFCP EF Tee Elbow PE4710 Specification

GFCP EF Tee Elbow PE4710 Specification

[ 660 KB / PDF ]

Standard specifications and features related to GF Central Plastics' injection molded PE2708 MDPE Socket Fusion Fittings

GFCP SF Fitting PE2708 Specification - MDPE Yellow

GFCP SF Fitting PE2708 Specification - MDPE Yellow

[ 624 KB / PDF ]
Georg Fischer Sp. z o.o.

Aleja Krakowska 81

05-090 Sękocin Nowy


GF logo on the headquarters building