GF Piping Systems’ new valve automation centers strengthen global offerings

21/01/2025 - 08:00 (heure d’Europe centrale)

GF Piping Systems, a global leader in flow solutions, is expanding its role as an automation partner by providing complete valve automation services, delivering integrated solutions to customers worldwide. Beyond supplying high-quality valves and actuation systems, the company now offers customized service solutions to actuate valves and assemble complete solutions – even when non-GF products are part of the system.

The valve automation centers in Irvine (USA) and Schaffhausen (Switzerland), ensure that GF Piping Systems’ customers receive fully actuated and ready-to-use customized solutions, enabling seamless installation and optimized workflows, such as streamlined communication, fast turnaround and a simplified supply chain. GF Piping Systems is planning additional facilities to meet growing global demand. Max Holloway, President/ Managing Director of Industrial Group Americas about the benefits provided in the valve automation centers: “Partnering with us as a single point of contact minimizes supplier complexity, streamlining procurement for efficiency, fast turnaround and cost reduction. Our cutting-edge tools, technology, and equipment ensure superior results.“ Balu Challagundla, Managing Director / President Process Automation GF Piping Systems, highlights the importance of this service by adding: "We go beyond components to offer a complete, actuated solution that brings efficiency and peace of mind to our customers, building on our connections for life philosophy. By partnering with us, companies benefit from a truly integrated approach to flow solutions, no matter the system or products involved." GF Piping Systems' comprehensive approach to automation enables customers to focus on their operations while GF Piping Systems delivers plug-and-play valve actuation systems tailored to their needs. The global expansion of automation centers underscores the company’s commitment to providing innovative and reliable solutions for industries worldwide.

For more information about the new valve automation centers, please visit:




Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


A propos de GF Piping Systems   
GF Piping Systems, en tant que fournisseur leader de solutions de tuyauterie pour le transport sûr et durable des fluides, crée des connexions pour la vie "connections for life". GF Piping Systems se concentre sur des systèmes fiables et sans fuite à la pointe de l'industrie pour de nombreux segments de marché exigeants. La priorité donnée à l'orientation client et à l'innovation se reflète dans sa présence mondiale en terme de vente, de service et de production ainsi que dans ses gammes de produits primées comprenant des raccords, des vannes, des tubes, des technologies d'automatisation, de fabrication et d'assemblage.

GF Piping Systems dispose de ses propres sociétés de vente dans 33 pays et est donc toujours aux côtés de ses clients. Les sites de production répartis sur 40 sites en Amérique, en Europe et en Asie assurent une disponibilité suffisante et une livraison rapide et fiable. En 2023, GF Piping Systems a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 2,1 milliard de francs suisses et employait 8 798 personnes. GF Piping Systems est une division de Georg Fischer AG, fondée en 1802 et dont le siège social se trouve à Schaffhausen, en Suisse.