GF Piping Systems joins Upcell Alliance to connect with stakeholders across the battery value chain
As a member of Upcell Alliance, GF Piping Systems is part of a European network focused on transforming the battery manufacturing landscape. The Swiss leading flow solutions provider adds its knowledge of lightweight and corrosion-free thermoplastic systems to the battery sector.
In the race to produce battery technology for a more sustainable future, the European Union is projected to reach a production capacity of around 1.4 TWh per year by 2030. To strengthen the EU’s competitiveness on the global market, the non-profit association Upcell Alliance brings together actors across the battery value chain from machinery equipment to car manufacturers and universities. By leveraging local production capacities and skills as well as European and government funding, Upcell Alliance aims to transform the battery manufacturing landscape through innovation and cutting-edge sustainable solutions.
GF Piping Systems supports the battery production and recycling industry’s efforts to become more efficient in applications including energy-efficient cooling, water treatment, chemical distribution, and process automation. In addition, the company is capable of supporting customers with planning and engineering, as well as 17 prefabrication facilities around the world.
Claude Laperiere, President of Upcell Alliance comments: “GF Piping Systems has established itself as a supplier of high-quality piping solutions across demanding industries. We are delighted to welcome the company as a member and look forward to a close collaboration on our one-stop networking platform.”
Marthinus Venter, Global Head of Battery Production at GF Piping Systems, adds: “I believe that we will make a valuable contribution to the European battery market thanks to our extensive experience and our global presence. In the Upcell Alliance, we are part of a strong and dynamic network that will allow us to better support the local industry with sustainable materials, energy-efficient solutions, and innovative jointing and automation technologies.”
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GF Piping Systems
GF Piping Systems skaber forbindelser for livet som den overlegne leverandør af vand- og flowløsninger til industrier og infrastruktur, hvilket muliggør sikker og bæredygtig transport af væsker.
Divisionen fokuserer på brancheførende lækagefri rørløsninger og ingeniørydelser til adskillige krævende slutmarkedssegmenter. Dets globale salgs-, ingeniør- og produktionsfodaftryk afspejler dets stærke fokus på kundecentreret og innovation, og dets prisvindende portefølje omfatter fittings, ventiler, rør, hvælvinger, kamre, automatisering, fremstilling og samlingsteknologier.
GF Piping Systems har egne salgsselskaber i 33 lande og fabrikationshubs i 15 lande, hvilket betyder, at det altid er ved sine kunders side. Produktionssteder på 40 steder i Amerika, Europa, Mellemøsten og Asien sikrer tilstrækkelig tilgængelighed og hurtig, pålidelig levering. I 2024 omsatte GF Piping Systems for 1'971 millioner CHF og beskæftigede 8'309 personer. GF Piping Systems er en afdeling af Georg Fischer AG (GF), grundlagt i 1802 og har hovedkvarter i Schaffhausen (Schweiz).