ams-OSRAM International relies on CONTAIN-IT Plus by GF Piping Systems

30/05/2023 - 14.00 (Centraleuropæisk tid)

German company ams-OSRAM International GmbH Regensburg has implemented the plastic double containment solution by GF Piping Systems. Corrosion-free materials, adapted to the media characteristics at the production facility, ensure a long-lasting, cost-effective, and safe operation.  

ams-OSRAM International GmbH Regensburg is a specialist for semiconductors as well as LED technologies. The company relies on double containment piping systems for the supply of chemicals and treatment of chemical waste water. When the need for a new solution arose due to a planned production expansion, CONTAIN-IT Plus was selected.


Throughout the project, GF Piping Systems offered planning support, supplied additional equipment for the installation, and carried out trainings. As a result, CONTAIN-IT Plus could be installed without unnecessarily interrupting production at ams-OSRAM International. Thanks to its material properties, the company now benefits from a long lasting system that requires minimal maintenance, while a DVS-compliant jointing process ensures the safety of the carrier pipe.


Daniel Wunderle, Global Product Manager at GF Piping Systems is proud of the results of the project. "Environmental and employee protection are topics that are becoming more and more important for our customers, especially in the last few years. Driven by stricter legal requirements, operators are implementing various protective measures for the safe transport of hazardous chemicals in their plants. GF supported Bilfinger and OSRAM during a very early stage of the project with comprehensive consulting and technical support. Thanks to a well-established product portfolio and the excellent cooperation with the team at the construction site, a high-quality installation was ensured."


CONTAIN-IT Plus is a double containment piping system designed to offer risk minimization for the transport of hazardous media. Its compact and lightweight plastic components are corrosion-free and can be adapted to the needs of a specific application. As CONTAIN-IT Plus was developed according to the DVS 2210-2 guideline, the connection of the inner pipe can be verified before closing the outer pipe which increases the overall safety of the system.  

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


GF Piping Systems Ltd.


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GF Piping Systems har egne salgsselskaber i 31 lande, hvilket betyder, at det altid er ved sine kunders side. Produktionssteder på 36 lokationer i Amerika, Europa og Asien sikrer tilstrækkelig tilgængelighed og hurtig, pålidelig levering. I 2022 omsatte GF Piping Systems for CHF 2'160 millioner og beskæftigede 8'085 personer. GF Piping Systems er en afdeling af Georg Fischer AG, grundlagt i 1802 og med hovedkontor i Schaffhausen, Schweiz.