Ultimate fire protection: Fire retardant pipe jacket solution to bring lightweight, corrosion-free thermoplastic piping systems in essential applications onboard.

The demand for thermoplastic piping systems has grown considerably over the last few years. The lightweight, corrosion-free, and long-lasting alternative to traditional steel and metal piping systems is the ideal solution to increase the efficiency of cruise ships, merchant fleets, offshore platforms, and floating wind farms. Thanks to the newly developed Fire Retardant Pipe Jacket System HEAT-FIT, thermoplastic piping systems can be used for essential applications (L3) onboard.

The unique Pipe Jacket System HEAT-FIT copes with the strict fire resistance regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and makes thermoplastic piping systems resistant to temperatures around 1,000°C for at least 30 minutes under pressure. The Pipe Jackets are made of durable and flexible materials and can sustain highly demanding marine industry conditions.

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Ultimate fire protection

How to comply with IMO regulations when using plastic piping systems in essential applications (L3) onboard?

Speak to our experts to learn more about the application possibilities and saving potential of HEAT-FIT.


GF Piping Systems has been the global marine industry partner for over 30 years and supplies non-corrosive and lightweight thermoplastic piping systems. Thanks to the innovative fire retardant pipe jacket system HEAT-FIT, the range of applications of thermoplastic piping systems has been extended from non-essential to essential applications.

Application possibilities are in machinery spaces, pump rooms, cargo pump-rooms, RO/RO cargo holds accommodation services, and control spaces as well as open decks under the categories A, B, C, D, J, and K of the fire endurance matrix according to IMO A. 753 (18) regulations.

Georg Fischer LLC - Irvine, CA / Industrial Group Americas

9271 Jeronimo Road

92618 Irvine

United States
