Building technology competence: Whether drinking or cooling water, GF JRG has the solution. From connectors without dead space to valve controls, GF JRG ensures safety and performance.

When drinking water installations or cooling water systems need to function in a safe, clean and sterile manner, GF JRG has the solution. Founded in 1887 (and part of GF since 2008), the company bundles its expertise in building technology in the Georg Fischer world of fluidics with the Sanipex classic, Sanipex MT, iFIT and INSTAFLEX piping systems, connectors without dead space or flow-optimized fittings, as well as the Hycleen Automation System.

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Our latest innovations & campaigns


iFIT is a push-fit system in dimensions of d16-32, connecting polybutene (PB) and multilayer composite (ML) pipes with PPSU, brass and bronze fittings using a unique modular adapter technology.



What we do at the site

As a manufacturer of fittings for domestic water installations, we have our own foundry and state-of-the-art CNC-controlled casting and décolletage machines.

Administrative and technical planning operations (AVORs) support our production departments, control the technological and economic processes and ensure proper documentation.


Work scheduling

Décolletage (bar turning)






Georg Fischer LLC - Irvine, CA / Industrial Group Americas

9271 Jeronimo Road

92618 Irvine

United States
