In the following points we establish the binding framework for aspects related to ordering from suppliers, such as delivery conditions and payment processes. Liability issues are also set out here.
General purchase conditions for materials and components
- These Conditions govern all supplies of materials and components to all purchasing entities of GF Piping Systems.
- By accepting our order or by supplying the goods ordered, the Supplier is deemed to have accepted the present conditions.
- Only orders in traceable form (in writing, by Telefax, E-Mail) are binding. Verbal orders or orders by phone as well as changes and additions to our order shall be binding only if confirmed by us in traceable form. Terms at variance with our General Purchase Conditions and additional terms, including reservations regarding price or exchange rates, as well as, in particular, deviating General Conditions of Sale and Delivery of the Supplier shall be valid only if accepted by us in traceable form.
- The Supplier is kindly asked to immediately return his order confirmation and to notify the exact delivery date.
- The assignment of the order in whole to third parties shall require our prior consent in traceable form.
- The Supplier shall be liable for all costs incurred by us as a consequence of his failure to observe our instructions or due to faulty or not validly agreed deliveries.
- These General Purchase Conditions shall equally apply to future orders.
- Our employees are forbidden to accept gifts, commissions or other compensations of whatever kind.
Code for Business Partners
GF's Code for Business Partners applies to all Suppliers, (sub-) contractors and other service providers of GF and their employees (collectively referred to in this document as ‘business partners’). It is mandatory for all Suppliers to be aware of GF's latest Code for Business Partners and implement all the required activities to be compliant with it.
The GF Code for Business Partners will be provided to Supplier upon request or can be found under
Any breach of any of the obligations contained in this section shall be deemed a material breach of the contractual relationship.