Cleaned Products

We've got you covered: Oil-free and LABS-compliant solutions for customized applications

Paint wetting impairment substances (PWIS / LABS) can disrupt a surface's complete and uniform coating, resulting in lacquer errors and defects of the final products. To prevent PWIS from getting into the application, all the necessary components need to be exceptionally clean. More than 30 years of experience and our in-house testing capabilities enable us to supply every application with the required product giving our customers peace of mind and a well-trusted partner on their side.

Cleaned products according to VDMA 24364 B2

The German professional association VDMA released standardized guidelines in 2018 describing different requirements and testing procedures to classify products used in lacquer applications. Cleaned Products by GF Piping Systems fulfill all the standards of the test category B2, proving to be safe for usage in applications with indirect lacquer contact such as pre-treatment of surfaces.

PWIS-compliancy vs. silicone free

To achieve LABS-compliancy, products need to be silicone free, but there are many more requirements than this. Products used in lacquering applications also need to be oil- and grease-free as well as free of PTFE-abrasion. Equating “LABS-compliancy” with “silicone-free” is a common misconception resulting from years of uncertainty and unclear definitions.

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Oil-free products

For water application in the microelectronic industry, contamination through installed products must be avoided. Exceptional surface finish and excellent leach-out characteristics are as important as choosing the suitable lubricants for valves. For oil-free products, only lubricants that do not significantly influence the water quality are used.

Lubrication is key

Lubrication is an essential part of all moving parts and especially of sealings. Without lubrication, these parts will get worn out quickly, and sealings will get porous and thus contaminate the fluid. Therefore, selecting the correct lubrication for each application is critical. Due to our many years of experience, we can offer each customer a tailor-made solution. No lubrication is no option.


Five steps to guarantee clean products and safe operation

We at GF Piping Systems can guarantee application fit and customized clean solutions to every customer no matter the complexity of the project and the application's requirements. With the following five steps, we can ensure the clean and safe operation of sensitive fields of application. Piping components like fittings and valve parts can also be cleaned on request, enabling every customer to avoid over-specification and meet the operation requirements.


Shaping the Future. Together. The innovative solutions provided by GF Piping Systems are quick and easy to plan, install and deliver, using high-quality, long-life products and cutting-edge services that ensure smooth operation with a low total cost of ownership.

Cleaning Room - Seewis (Grisons)

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Georg Fischer AB, Helsinki

Ilmalantori 4

00240 Helsinki

