GF Piping Systems opens 4.000m2 warehouse in Florida

27.03.23 - 15:00 (Ora dell’Europa centrale)

GF Piping Systems, the leading flow solutions provider, is opening a new warehouse focused on products and services for the cruise industry on 27 March 2023. 

After the old warehouse with 1.000m2 of floor space had been operated for more than 40 years, the Swiss company made the decision to scale up its presence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The new 4.000m2 facility in the world's cruise capital is large enough to store over 13 kilometers of pipes, while 23 employees will focus on distribution and sales for customers across the cruise industry and beyond.


The goal of the new warehouse is to further increase customer proximity. On the one hand, the larger stock footprint on-site covers the the company’s entire marine portfolio, including Instaflex, ecoFIT, Sanipex MT, iFIT, COOL-FIT, SeaDrain White, Marine grade PVC-C and PVC-U piping systems, as well as a wide range of fittings and flanges. The warehouse also features a showroom and training center that introduces customers to GF Piping Systems’ products and services, and prefabrication capabilities for custom solutions. In addition to the cruise industry, the new location will contribute to the company’s growth in the merchant marine business as well as the thriving floating wind and offshore energy markets. 


Eric Arenas, Marine Technical Director at GF Piping Systems Marine USA, comments “We believe that customer proximity is essential to providing the highest quality piping systems – and creating connections for life. I personally look forward to welcome customers at our new facility and show them GF Piping Systems’ sustainable water solutions that reflect decades of experience in the industry.”


Christian Ludwig, Head of Marine at GF Piping Systems, sees the expansion as an important step for the company: “GF Piping Systems is a longtime partner and supplier for shipyards and operators across the marine sector, and the cruise industry in particular. We want to further improve the customer experience by enhancing product availability and offering services that make the installation of our products as easy as possible – in applications ranging from cruise ships to floating wind farms.”


GF Piping Systems has more than 30 years of experience in the marine sector and is commited to offering innovative, energy-saving solutions that contribute to the industry’s goal of becoming more sustainable. The corrosion-free and lightweight thermoplastic piping systems minimize maintenance requirements and have a longer service life than metal alternatives. The company’s marine portfolio covers applications such as water treatment and distribution, grey and black water disposal, cooling, as well as exhaust gas scrubbing and ballast water distribution and treatment.


GF Piping Systems’ new facility in Fort Lauderdale, FL, begins operation on 26 March 2023.  

Discover GF Piping Systems’ products for the marine sector.

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Informazioni su GF Piping Systems

In qualità di fornitore leader di soluzioni per il trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi, GF Piping Systems crea connessioni per la vita. La divisione propone sistemi di tubazioni sicuri e affidabili per numerosi e differenti segmenti di mercato. La sua particolare attenzione al cliente e all'innovazione si riflette nella sua presenza globale, nell'assistenza, nella produzione e nella sua gamma, che comprende raccordi, valvole, tubi, automazione, fabbricazione e tecnologie di giunzione.

GF Piping Systems è presente con le proprie società di vendita in 31 paesi ed è quindi sempre al fianco dei suoi clienti. Le società di produzione in 36 sedi in America, Europa e Asia garantiscono una disponibilità costante e consegne rapide e affidabili. Nel 2022, GF Piping Systems ha realizzato un fatturato di 2'160 milioni di franchi svizzeri con un organico di 8'085 persone. GF Piping Systems è una divisione di Georg Fischer AG, fondata nel 1802, con sede a Schaffhausen, in Svizzera.