Ball Valve 543 Pro

As the successor of the proven original, the Ball Valve 543 Pro has been improved in many ways. A reinforced security break point in the stem interface prevents leaks due to wear or excessive force. Two integrated sealing rings in the stem interface provide double safety. Therefore, the 543 Pro offers uncompromising reliability and can be flexibly expanded with optional accessories. All previous quality features of the ball valves have been migrated to the new generation.


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User-friendly operation

Safety through dead man's lever

Monitoring by the double sensor

Information via Data-Matrix-Code

Driven to maximum performance

Expanding the Pro-Range

Ball valves are an indispensable part of every piping system. They come in various sizes, materials, and actuation possibilities to regulate and control processes in the most diverse fields of application. It is essential to trust in the highest quality components with embedded safety measures to avoid unexpected downtimes and repairs.

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Paradise Way

CV2 2ST Coventry


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