Meet GF Piping Systems at Data Centre World Frankfurt 2023
To help data centers simultaneously cut costs and boost efficiency, GF Piping Systems will display comprehensive corrosion- and maintenance-free piping systems as well as pre-fabrication support at Data Center World 2023, hosted in Frankfurt am Main, Germany from the 10-11th of May.
Data centers are essential in the modern world to store and safeguard all of our data. We have globally produced and consumed around 100 zettabytes of data in 2022, and it will already be around 180 zettabytes in 2025, as forecasted by Destatis. Additional data centers must be constructed quickly and without delay in order to make space for more data. And these new facilities need to be operated sustainably, ideally as net-zero buildings.
GF Piping Systems supports the increasing construction speed needed for data centers with Off-Site Manufacturing solutions, advanced engineering, Ultrasonic Non-Destructive Testing and COOL-FIT, a pre-insulated plastic piping system that optimizes a wide range of refrigeration applications. It was developed as a solution to help data centers increase their energy efficiency. A PE100 vapour-tight carrier pipe, a highly effective and insulating foam, and an outer jacket made of high-density polyethylene make up the system's three components in one. The carrier pipe has smooth inner surfaces that prevent deposits, so it is corrosion- and maintenance-free. Moreover, a 30% better energy efficiency than metal alternatives is achieved by combining the low thermal conductivity of polyethylene with the highly efficient foam.
Mark Stuart, Sales Director Data Centers Europe at GF Piping Systems, stresses the significance of the solutions on display: " We are aware of the challenges the industry faces; and therefore we are pioneering innovation to make liquid cooling applications a reality for data centers of all sizes across the world, creating connections for life."
Find out more about the data center portfolio of GF Piping Systems here.
Beatrice Merrell, Intern at GF Piping Systems Marketing & Communications for One-Day-Internship (Schnuppertag)
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GF Piping Systems
Akışkanların güvenli ve sürdürülebilir taşınması için önde gelen akış çözümleri sağlayıcısı olan GF Piping Systems, yaşam için bağlantılar oluşturur. Bölüm, çok sayıda zorlu son pazar segmenti için endüstri lideri sızıntısız boru tesisatı çözümlerine odaklanmaktadır. Müşteri odaklılık ve yenilikçiliğe olan güçlü odağı, küresel satış, servis ve üretim ayak izi ve bağlantı parçaları, valfler, borular, otomasyon, imalat ve birleştirme teknolojileri dahil olmak üzere ödüllü portföyü ile yansıtılmaktadır.
GF Piping Systems'in 31 ülkede kendi satış şirketi bulunmaktadır, bu da her zaman müşterilerinin yanında olduğu anlamına gelir. Amerika, Avrupa ve Asya'da 36 lokasyondaki üretim tesisleri, yeterli kullanılabilirlik ve hızlı, güvenilir teslimat sağlar. 2022' de GF Piping Systems 2'160 milyon CHF satış gerçekleştirdi ve 8'085 kişiyi istihdam etti. GF Piping Systems, 1802 yılında kurulan ve merkezi Schaffhausen, İsviçre'de bulunan Georg Fischer AG'nin bir bölümüdür.