GF Piping Systems pilots AI integration to support customer success
In partnership with Microsoft and Showpad, GF Piping Systems, the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids is rolling out its sales excellence transformation program to empower sales teams with AI technology to support customer success.
GF Piping Systems has been a specialist in the safe preservation and transportation of global fluid resources for over 150 years. The company's innovative solutions continue to help solve water loss for utilities, improve energy efficiency in industrial buildings, data centers, and onboard vessels, improve water quality for water treatment OEMs, semiconductor manufacturers, and the food and beverage industry, and ensure clean water reaches the tap. In addition, its performance materials and specialized solutions, including prefabrication and engineering, support numerous industries in improving operational safety and meeting the demands of construction execution.
Since introducing its Strategy 2025, GF Piping Systems has increased customer proximity in key global industries and strengthened its global footprint with more sales offices, customer experience centers, and offsite manufacturing hubs. The sales excellence program has supported this with all sales colleagues globally onboarded within its GForce sales enablement program, and the call center teams are now being upskilled and supported by AI in key territories to ensure they can serve as engineering advisers to GF's customers. During the same period, the division of GF rolled out customer service and marketing automation applications within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot environment, and the Showpad all-in-one sales enablement platform, AI capabilities are now fully embedded within the CRM environment.
While voice recognition systems in customer service aren't a novel concept, the introduction of generative AI is. The advancement propels customer service into a new era at GF Piping Systems. Additionally, commercial teams can automatically leverage the technology to generate insights and recommendations for the customers' needs, enabling them to deliver proactive, customized buyer experiences. Christopher Merrell, CMO at GF Piping Systems, explains, "Trust has to be built, and that's what we do. I'm proud to share how, as an innovation and sustainability leader, we continuously strive to add value to our customers' and partners' operations and make it easier for them to do business with us. Our vision of a seamless customer and employee experience drives us to succeed."
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GF Piping Systems
GF Piping Systems crea connessioni per la vita in qualità di fornitore di soluzioni idriche e di flusso di prima qualità per le industrie e per le infrastrutture (ivi compresi i più grandi data center) consentendo un trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi. La società si concentra su sistemi di tubazioni leak-free e su servizi di ingegneria all'avanguardia per numerosi segmenti di mercato particolarmente esigenti, sempre con l’obiettivo di coniugare efficienza energetica ed innovazione tecnologica, sicurezza ed affidabilità, longevità e breve ritorno dell’investimento. L'impronta globale di vendita, progettazione e produzione riflette la forte attenzione alla centralità del cliente, e il suo prestigioso portfolio contempla raccordi, valvole, tubi, soluzioni per l’automazione industriale, strumenti di misura e tecnologie di giunzione. GF Piping Systems è presente in 33 Paesi con proprie società di vendita, e in 15 con hub produttivi, per essere sempre al fianco dei propri partner. Gli stabilimenti di produzione, ubicati in 40 diverse località tra Americhe, Europa, Medio Oriente ed Asia, garantiscono una disponibilità e una consegna rapida e affidabile. Nel 2023, GF Piping Systems ha raggiunto un fatturato di 2.100 milioni di franchi svizzeri in virtù di un organico composto da 8.798 persone. GF Piping Systems Italia, con sede ad Agrate Brianza (MB), occupa più di 60 addetti e produce un giro di affari intorno ai 62 milioni di euro. L’azienda, certificata UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, opera con una rete vendita di funzionari e di agenti presenti sull’intero territorio nazionale e distribuisce i propri prodotti attraverso una rete formata da 500 rivenditori. GF Piping Systems è una divisione di Georg Fischer AG (GF).