Kelly Chen on board as new Head of Sales Asia Global Industries Marine at GF Piping Systems
Chen will focus on developing and implementing a commercial strategy to identify new business opportunities for the Swiss flow solutions provider in Asia, increasing customer proximity.
In addition to a strong background in the marine industry, Kelly Chen brings with her a wide experience in sales management, business development, customer relationship management and in leading sales teams. She is excited about her new challenge of working in a global team of different cultures, "I look forward to build up a marine team for the Asian markets to strengthen GF Piping Systems' global setup and to bring our sustainable product portfolio into more application scenarios in the Asian marine industry, by working closely together with our customers.”
The maintenance-free, easy to install, and complete solutions of GF Piping Systems for water and cooling applications onboard help ship owners and operators increase the safety and comfort of passengers and the efficiency of their ship. At the same time, they contribute to lowering the maintenance and overall costs and reducing downtimes as much as possible. The company's products warrant the safe conveyance of drinking water and other process fluids onboard – without altering their quality.
Read more about how GF Piping Systems supports the marine industry here.
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A propos de GF Piping Systems
GF Piping Systems, en tant que fournisseur leader de solutions de tuyauterie pour le transport sûr et durable des fluides, crée des connexions pour la vie "connections for life". GF Piping Systems se concentre sur des systèmes fiables et sans fuite à la pointe de l'industrie pour de nombreux segments de marché exigeants. La priorité donnée à l'orientation client et à l'innovation se reflète dans sa présence mondiale en terme de vente, de service et de production ainsi que dans ses gammes de produits primées comprenant des raccords, des vannes, des tubes, des technologies d'automatisation, de fabrication et d'assemblage.
GF Piping Systems dispose de ses propres sociétés de vente dans 31 pays et est donc toujours aux côtés de ses clients. Les sites de production répartis sur 36 sites en Amérique, en Europe et en Asie assurent une disponibilité suffisante et une livraison rapide et fiable. En 2021, GF Piping Systems a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 1,971 milliard de francs suisses et employait 7 686 personnes. GF Piping Systems est une division de Georg Fischer AG, fondée en 1802 et dont le siège social se trouve à Schaffhausen, en Suisse.