User-friendly operation
The ergonomically designed lever allows easy, precise operation. To protect against unintentional or unauthorized actuation, it is lockable as standard and functions with all-new accessory options. Even a tool for removing the union bush is integrated.
Safety through dead man's lever
The 546 linear Pro is there for you in case you forget: A manual spring return unit ("dead man's lever") ensures that the valve closes automatically when released. This reliable, compact, and cost-effective solution ensures end-to-end process safety and easily eliminates potentially far-reaching risks.
Monitoring by the double sensor
The optional LED position feedback allows the current position of the valve to be centrally recorded and checked at any time – for manually operated and automated valves. The compact dual-sensor fits even in the tightest areas and is protected against the ingress of water and dust (protection class IP67).
Information via Data-Matrix-Code
The Data-Matrix-Code on the 546 linear Pro simplifies storing all technical information for each valve, thus enabling individual traceability. The faultless identification of each valve facilitates easy installation, service, and repair.
Driven to maximum performance
Pneumatic and electric actuators from GF Piping Systems help make processes more efficient and reduce maintenance costs. Where appropriate, they also contribute to digitization by making it easier to access process and component data and use it to optimize the system.
Ball Valves Overview Brochure

Datasheet Ball Valve Type 546 Pro (EN)

Datasheet Type 546 Pro Linear Ball Valve (EN)
Industrial valves, manually operated - Important product information
Instruction Manual Integrated electrical position indicator for Butterfly Valve Type 567/578
Instruction Manual Linear Ball Valve Type 546

Press Release Ball Valve 546 Linear Pro 523