GF Piping Systems China Yangzhou plant awarded highest national level of green industrial building projects in China

07.05.24 - 11:00 (Ora dell’Europa centrale)

After nearly 5 years preparation and application, GF Piping Systems’ Yangzhou plant has been successfully awarded three stars in the Green Building Certification Report, the highest national level of green industrial building projects in China.

This green industrial building project was based on China's national standard "Green Industrial Building Evaluation Standard" GB/T5087-2013. GF Piping Systems plant was rated in seven aspects including the space for sustainable construction, energy saving and use of energy, water saving and use of water resources, material saving and use of material resources, control of outdoor environment and pollutant, indoor environment and occupational health, and operational management. The three-star certification of green industrial building design label will only be awarded to the projects who fully meet those requirements, as did GF Piping Systems’ Yangzhou plant.

“Our Yangzhou plant project is one step forward on our way as a sustainability leader. We adopted a series of environmentally friendly technologies including geothermal heat pump air conditioning, air compressor waste heat recycling, a roof cooling tower, integrated our COOL-FIT cooling water piping system, roof rainwater collection, solar photovoltaic power generation, and more. The energy consumption and water intake per unit produced achieved the leading position in domestic level,” states He Yafeng, Plant Manager GF Piping Systems Yangzhou. In addition, the overall building adopted lightweight steel structure, used recyclable building materials, highly efficient design of heat preservation, ventilation and lights, and enhanced treatment measures for waste gas, solid waste and noise. 

Constanze Werdermann

Constanze Werdermann

Global PR Manager

Marketing & Communications

Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd

Ebnatstrasse 111

8201 Schaffhausen


Informazioni su GF Piping Systems

In qualità di fornitore leader di soluzioni per il trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi, GF Piping Systems crea connessioni per la vita. La divisione propone sistemi di tubazioni sicuri e affidabili per numerosi e differenti segmenti di mercato. La sua particolare attenzione al cliente e all'innovazione si riflette nella sua presenza globale, nell'assistenza, nella produzione e nella sua gamma, che comprende raccordi, valvole, tubi, automazione, fabbricazione e tecnologie di giunzione.

GF Piping Systems è presente con le proprie società di vendita in 31 paesi ed è quindi sempre al fianco dei suoi clienti. Le società di produzione in 36 sedi in America, Europa e Asia garantiscono una disponibilità costante e consegne rapide e affidabili. Nel 2022, GF Piping Systems ha realizzato un fatturato di 2'160 milioni di franchi svizzeri con un organico di 8'085 persone. GF Piping Systems è una divisione di Georg Fischer AG, fondata nel 1802, con sede a Schaffhausen, in Svizzera.