Fassmer Shipyard resolves condensation issue in HVAC application
Using COOL-FIT, GF Piping Systems’ pre-insulated plastic piping system, Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. KG, a leading German shipyard for specialized high-performance vessels, addressed a condensation issue in the HVAC piping system. The solution, used in one of their latest projects, also brought several other benefits and efficiencies to the customer’s operations.
Fassmer is renowned for innovative designs, cutting-edge technologies, and high-quality standards. The shipyard has planned a series of four specialized high-performance vessels on behalf of a German owner. When designing the piping systems of special operations vessels, the reliability and operational safety of materials and components are crucial. HVAC and cooling systems are needed to ensure the safety and comfort of the crew. Selecting the right piping system can help ensure that the vessel can fulfill its mission effectively. Fassmer designed and equipped the series' first three vessels with traditional metal systems and post-installed soft rubber foam insulation and mineral wool to provide the best possible operating conditions on board the project. After being in service for some time, the ship's operators faced condensation issues with the metal solution, and parts of the insulation were damaged.
With a strong focus on the quality and sustainability of their projects, Fassmer has decided to look for an improved solution for the execution of the fourth and last one of the ships. Although the ship design was originally laid out for an HVAC piping system made of copper and steel, Fassmer decided to install the pre-insulated COOL-FIT system by GF Piping Systems. COOL-FIT pipes, fittings, valves, and tools consist of a medium-carrying PE100 pipe, a high-energy insulation foam, and a protecting HDPE pipe jacket, providing an extra layer of insulation and protection. Sealing lips ensure vapor-tight insulation and help to avoid condensation and resulting corrosion. During installation, the challenge was to adapt the system to the existing metal design. Still, thanks to the engineered components and the electrofusion technology, Fassmer could install the system without problems. The insulation step became obsolete thanks to the pre-insulated parts of the new solution.
Overall, Fassmer´s decision to install the marine-approved COOL-FIT system (ABS, BV, DNV, LR, RINA) on board their project has solved the condensation issue. It will also bring several other benefits to the owner and operators of the vessel: With the maintenance-free plastic piping system, the German owner can rely on an energy-efficient, lightweight solution for their HVAC system for the entire service life of the ship.
Find the full reference and more about GF Piping Systems' marine solutions here.
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Informazioni su GF Piping Systems
In qualità di fornitore leader di soluzioni per il trasporto sicuro e sostenibile dei fluidi, GF Piping Systems crea connessioni per la vita. La divisione propone sistemi di tubazioni sicuri e affidabili per numerosi e differenti segmenti di mercato. La sua particolare attenzione al cliente e all'innovazione si riflette nella sua presenza globale, nell'assistenza, nella produzione e nella sua gamma, che comprende raccordi, valvole, tubi, automazione, fabbricazione e tecnologie di giunzione.
GF Piping Systems è presente con le proprie società di vendita in 31 paesi ed è quindi sempre al fianco dei suoi clienti. Le società di produzione in 36 sedi in America, Europa e Asia garantiscono una disponibilità costante e consegne rapide e affidabili. Nel 2022, GF Piping Systems ha realizzato un fatturato di 2'160 milioni di franchi svizzeri con un organico di 8'085 persone. GF Piping Systems è una divisione di Georg Fischer AG, fondata nel 1802, con sede a Schaffhausen, in Svizzera.