
Transmitters and Controllers

GF SmartPro transmitters and Multi-Parameter controller are available for your process applications: The 9900 is a single-channel transmitter available as a panel or field mount, whilst the 9950 two-channel controller supports two sensors of same or different types in one instrument.

The 9900 and 9950-X Multi-Parameter Controllers are field-commissioned with a user-specified combination of inputs, outputs and relays using easy-to-install modules within the base unit. The GF transmitters and controllers support GF Flow, pH/ORP, Conductivity/Resistivity, Salinity, Temperature, Pressure, Level, Dissolved Oxygen and devices that transmit a 4 to 20 mA signal with the use of the 8058 iGo® single channel converter.

Georg Fischer AB, Helsinki

Ilmalantori 4

00240 Helsinki

