Hycleen Connect

Cloud-based remote access for the digital monitoring and control of your drinking water installation

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Cloud-based remote access for digital monitoring and control

Hycleen AS supports the maintenance of drinking water hygiene in complex drinking water installations. Based on hydraulic balancing, it ensures stable circulating water temperatures, flushes the pipes, and logs all data.

The system is easy to install and commission. However, with Hycleen AS, the control and reading out of information about the state of the system still requires a person on location.

Hycleen Connect Cloud Hycleen Connect Cloud

Your benefits

Simple and intuitive

Similar to Hycleen AS, the cloud-based Hycleen Connect solution was developed based on the plug&play principle, can be installed in a few minutes, and then easily operated via an intuitive dashboard.

100 % digital

you have remote access to your system. 


The patients of a hospital, the tenants of a residential building, or the guests of a hotel can rely on the availability of cold and hot water at the right quality. It is monitored around the clock by an automated system with alarm function. This lowers risks.

Central remote control

With the cloud remote access one or even more Hycleen AS systems and thus several buildings can be monitored. This turns the building manager into a digital service provider.

Energy & sustainability

In general, automation and digitization lower the cost of drinking water and energy consumption while also saving costs.

High system availability

The smart Hycleen valves with their different sensors facilitate the search for errors in the system. This considerably lowers the downtimes of drinking water systems. The data is recorded via the sensors in combination with the Controller.

Drinking water monitoring Drinking water monitoring

Easy to set up, easy to bill

The 3-step process

Hycleen Connect 3 Steps Hycleen Connect

Your remote access is ready for use.

The subscription price modell

  • customized
  • monthly fee
  • flexible times

Give it a try!

Interfaces and licenses

GLT Interface BACnet IP

You have the option of, on the one hand, using BACnet IP (Building Automation and Control networks) including the license for the release of the BACnet IP interface for connecting Hycleen AS to a building services management system. The interface allows linking the building services management (BSM) with reading rights. BACnet works with conventional BSM programs. The connection among the masters and the GLT+ mapping on the GLT level requires programming by a GLT specialist.

The following Hycleen Automation System data can be exported from the higher-level BMS by acquiring a license.

  • Real time data monitoring
  • Logging
  • Alarm management


On the other hand, the connection can be created via Rest API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface), including the license for the use of the REST API/JSON interface for connecting Hycleen AS to a building management system. Data communication is implemented via the respective interface. The interface allows linking the building services management (BSM) with reading rights. Rest API is the interface of the future. The connection among the masters and the GLT+ mapping on the GLT level requires programming by a GLT specialist.

The following Hycleen Automation System data can be exported from the higher-level BMS by acquiring a license.

  • Real time data monitoring
  • Logging
  • Alarm management

Master Relay Lizenz

License to activate the Master relay module. This license allows programming of the Master relay using the Actuator Automation application. This allows the implementation of further building and process automation functions. Immediately following the registration of the Hycleen Automation System, the module is available free of charge on the Georg Fischer CONNECT platform. 

Actuator Automation License

License to activate the Actuator Automation application module. This license allows programming of the Master and Uni Controller relay and the 4-20 mA input/output of the Uni controller. This allows the implementation of further building and process automation functions. 

Hycleen Connect License

License for the release of the Hycleen Connect service – on a monthly basis. It allows connection of the Hycleen AS installation to the Hycleen Connect cloud for:

  • Remote monitoring
  • Automatic alarms
  • Remote access
  • Data management
  • Asset manager
Potable water monitoring Potable water monitoring

Find the error, reduce costs

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Application examples

Homes for the elderly



Multi-family houses

Georg Fischer AB, Helsinki

Ilmalantori 4

00240 Helsinki

