Marine - GF Piping Systems water solutions for marineenGF Piping Systems participa da feira Rio Oil e Gas com soluções inovadoras para o segmento

9/17/24 - 3:30 PM


A GF Piping Systems, líder global em sistemas de tubulação e soluções de vazão, tem o prazer de anunciar sua participação na Rio Oil & Gas 2024, um dos eventos mais importantes da indústria de óleo e gás na América Latina. O evento acontecerá entre os dias 23 e 26 de setembro no Boulevard Olímpico, no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Nesta edição, a GF Piping Systems apresentará produtos desenvolvidos para aumentar a eficiência, segurança e sustentabilidade no setor de óleo e gás, incluindo sistemas de dupla contenção de última geração, válvulas e atuadores avançados, máquinas de solda de topo e eletrofusão, além de robustos sistemas de tubulação de CPVC e PVC.


Soluções Inovadoras para maior segurança e performance

Os sistemas de dupla contenção da GF Piping Systems são projetados para oferecer proteção superior em aplicações onde são transportados fluidos perigosos. Esses sistemas foram desenvolvidos para prevenir vazamentos e contaminações ambientais, garantindo conformidade com os mais altos padrões de segurança da indústria. Os visitantes terão a oportunidade de ver de perto como essas soluções podem ser integradas às suas operações, aumentando a segurança e reduzindo os riscos ambientais.


Precisão e controle com válvulas e atuadores avançados

A empresa também destacará sua linha de válvulas e atuadores, projetados para controle preciso e confiabilidade em ambientes desafiadores. Esses componentes são essenciais para manter a vazão e a pressão ideais nas aplicações de óleo e gás, oferecendo aos clientes maior controle sobre seus processos. A durabilidade e eficiência dessas válvulas e atuadores fazem deles a escolha ideal para as condições adversas frequentemente encontradas na indústria de óleo e gás.


Tecnologia de união

A GF Piping Systems demonstrará suas mais recentes máquinas de solda de topo e eletrofusão, que oferecem soluções de solda confiáveis e de alta qualidade para diversos materiais de tubulação. Essas máquinas são reconhecidas pela facilidade de uso, desempenho consistente e capacidade de lidar com uma ampla gama de diâmetros e materiais, tornando-se ferramentas essenciais para qualquer projeto de instalação ou manutenção de tubulações.


Sistemas de tubulação duráveis e versáteis

A empresa também apresentará sistemas de tubulação de CPVC e PVC, conhecidos por sua durabilidade, resistência química e facilidade de instalação. Esses materiais são ideais para uma variedade de aplicações em óleo e gás, oferecendo uma solução confiável e econômica tanto para instalações aéreas quanto subterrâneas.


"A participação na Rio Oil & Gas é uma oportunidade estratégica para reforçar o nosso compromisso com a inovação e a sustentabilidade no setor de óleo e gás," afirma Álvaro Marzullo, Managing Director e Presidente da GF Piping Systems no Brasil. "Este evento nos permite apresentar nossas soluções de ponta, que não apenas atendem às necessidades complexas da indústria, mas também ajudam nossos clientes a alcançar níveis superiores de eficiência e segurança. Estamos entusiasmados em mostrar como nossas tecnologias podem impulsionar a próxima fase de crescimento e transformação do setor."


Saiba mais sobre os produtos da GF Piping Systems para aplicação no setor em:


GF Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems creates connections for life as the superior water and flow solutions provider for industries and infrastructure, enabling the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. 

The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions and engineering services for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its global sales, engineering, and manufacturing footprint reflects its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation, and its award-winning portfolio includes fittings, valves, pipes, vaults, chambers, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies. 

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 33 countries and fabrication hubs in 15 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 40 locations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2023, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'100 million and employed 8'798 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG (GF), founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen (Switzerland).

Tue, 17 Sep 2024 12:30:00 +0000
SMM 2024: GF Piping Systems to display energy-efficient and long-lasting solutions for the marine industry its mission statement “Driving the maritime transition”, this year’s SMM trade fair in Hamburg, Germany, is focusing on innovative technologies that will shape the future of the sector. GF Piping Systems will present a comprehensive portfolio of valve technology and various piping solutions with marine certifications by leading classification societies. 


8/8/24 - 7:00 PM

With its mission statement “Driving the maritime transition”, this year’s SMM trade fair in Hamburg, Germany, is focusing on innovative technologies that will shape the future of the sector. GF Piping Systems will present a comprehensive portfolio of valve technology and various piping solutions with marine certifications by leading classification societies. 

Modern marine applications require technologies that meet two major criteria: Energy-efficiency and cost-effectiveness. On the one hand, operators need to meet increasingly demanding sustainability guidelines as part of a larger strategy to transform the sector. At the same time, they require reliable and long-lasting components for a cost-effective operation. At SMM 2024 in Hamburg, GF Piping Systems will therefore present thermoplastic piping solutions that address the needs of the industry by combining a lower weight, a longer service life thanks to corrosion-resistance, and increased energy-efficiency compared to metal systems.

Thanks to its design, the Butterfly Valve 565 Lug-Style adds new use cases in water applications on board. It can be used as an end valve which enables piping systems to be disassembled one-sided, facilitating the maintenance and operation of filters, tanks, and other installations, as well as fast replacements. As standard, the lightweight 565 Lug-Style features removable plug-in inserts that can be configured to fulfill the needs of a wide variety of applications. The 565 is also the first industrial butterfly valve to receive an environmental product declaration (EPD) for added transparency. 

In addition, the company will also show a variety of plastic piping systems for different temperature ranges and media. HEAT-FIT by GF Piping Systems is compatible with the ecoFIT range of polyethylene pipes and fittings and is designed to offer protection against fire with a temperature of up to 1000°C for 30 minutes at a pressure of 3 bar. Along with the original pipe jacket system, GF Piping Systems offers the co-extruded version HEAT-FIT PE which significantly speeds up the installation process. 

COOL-FIT is a completely pre-insulated plastic piping system designed for secondary refrigeration applications using chilled water as well as glycol, ethanol, and brine in the -50°C to +60°C temperature range. The factory-installed insulation and vapor-proof construction result in an up to 30% more energy-efficient insulation performance compared to post-insulated metal systems and an installation that is up to 50% faster thanks to pre-insulated components and electrofusion technology. And thanks to the on average 60% lower weight than post-insulated metal systems, COOL-FIT enables the overall fuel efficiency of ships.

For applications involving grey and black water, GF Piping Systems will showcase SeaDrain White made of light, flexible, strong, and corrosion-free high-performance polymer. The bright white colour contains additives for UV resistance against discoloration, negating the need for paint also for external use. This reduces installation times and can also lead to significant cost savings for large projects. 

Roberto Chiesa, Global Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, looks forward to visiting SMM: “As the marine industry advances towards greater efficiency and sustainability, the choice of pipe and valve materials becomes increasingly important. I am excited to not only present our innovative solutions at our booth, but also to discuss how they can significantly enhance ship performance while reducing the overall environmental impact during our presentation ‘Valve Materials Matter: Enhancing Ship Efficiency and Sustainability’.”

Meet Roberto Chiesa and GF Piping Systems’ marine experts from September 3 to 6 at booth A2.211 (Hall A2) and booth A2.FG.02 (outside Hall A2) or attend the presentation “Valve Materials Matter: Enhancing Ship Efficiency and Sustainability” by Roberto Chiesa on September 6, 1:35 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. at the Green Stage Hall A4.

To learn more visit 

GF Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems creates connections for life as the superior water and flow solutions provider for industries and infrastructure, enabling the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. 

The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions and engineering services for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its global sales, engineering, and manufacturing footprint reflects its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation, and its award-winning portfolio includes fittings, valves, pipes, vaults, chambers, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies. 

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 33 countries and fabrication hubs in 15 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 40 locations in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2023, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'100 million and employed 8'798 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG (GF), founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen (Switzerland).

Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:00:00 +0000
GF Piping Systems welcomes Óscar Ovejero as Global Head of Marine a wealth of experience in the marine sector, Óscar Ovejero will be responsible for expanding the marine business footprint and increasing customer proximity within the Swiss flow solution provider’s team. Meet him at the Asia Pacific Maritime trade fair in Singapore from 13 to 15 March 2024.


3/5/24 - 10:00 AM

With a wealth of experience in the marine sector, Óscar Ovejero will be responsible for expanding the marine business footprint and increasing customer proximity within the Swiss flow solution provider’s team. Meet him at the Asia Pacific Maritime trade fair in Singapore from 13 to 15 March 2024.

Óscar Ovejero completed a Master’s degree in naval architecture as well as a postgraduate course in ship interior design at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Since then, he has gained 18 years of experience working in sales management within the marine industry. In past roles, he has been instrumental in developing companies by shaping a lasting market presence across continents. In particular, he was able to strengthen the Asian market and build important relationships with several Southeast Asian countries as well as China.

Since January 2024, Óscar Ovejero is responsible for developing and implementing strategies for the Swiss flow solutions provider as Global Head of Marine. With his comprehensive knowledge of the segment as well as his proven track record in leading global teams and increasing revenue, he will identify business opportunities and help strengthen the business development of GF Piping Systems.

“I am excited to join GF Piping Systems, a company that has gathered over 30 years of experience as a key partner of the global marine industry,” comments Ovejero. “The entire sector is currently going through a transformation from traditional shipbuilding towards a more sustainable future. I believe that GF Piping Systems can play a key role in this transformation thanks to corrosion- and maintenance-free thermoplastic solutions, global prefabrication capabilities, engineering, and full project support. I look forward to heading towards Future Horizons with my new team.”

From 13 to 15 March 2024, Óscar Ovejero will attend Asia Pacific Maritime in Singapore, the largest exhibition and conference in Southeast Asia for global shipbuilding and marine, workboat, offshore and port technology. For the 2024 edition, GF Piping Systems will display it’s corrosion-free and lightweight innovations for offshore energy platform and merchant vessel applications, including COOL-FIT, HEATFIT, and the Butterfly Valve 565.

COOL-FIT is a fully pre-insulated plastic piping system for refrigeration and air conditioning applications. Due to its pre-insulation and vaporproof construction, the system facilitates a 30% better insulation performance compared to post-insulated metal systems, is up to 60% lighter and up to 50% faster to install than comparable solutions. HEAT-FIT, the industry’s pioneering fire-retardant solution for the PE100 piping system ecoFIT, offers fire protection for thermoplastic solutions in essential applications (L3) such as ballast water distribution, and treatment. The newly introduced Butterfly Valve 565 Lug-Style, which is up to 60% lighter than metal alternatives, extends the 565 range with additional use cases in water installations on board. The valve made of high-quality plastics comes in the same installation length as metal solutions (DN50-DN300) and allows for a direct replacement, reducing planning and installation times.

Meet Óscar Ovejero at Asia Pacific Maritime in Singapore from 13 to 15 March 2024. GF Piping Systems will be located in Hall B, Level 1, at booth B-N36.

Find out more about GF Piping Systems’ marine solutions.


  • GF Piping Systems welcomes Óscar Ovejero as Global Head of Marine (PDF/ 191 KB) Ovejero_Asia Pacific Maritime Show-en.pdf
  • <


Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Tue, 05 Mar 2024 07:00:00 +0000
#TakingForward: circular economy roundtable initiated by GF Piping Systems concludes successful build-up phase with more than ten partners, the Swiss flow solutions provider has set up a cross-industry cooperation focusing on circular economy a year ago. The aim of the initiative is to build a Switzerland-wide logistics network enabling repurposing, recycling or reuse of pipes that have reached the end of their service life. 


12/14/23 - 2:00 PM

Together with more than ten partners, the Swiss flow solutions provider has set up a cross-industry cooperation focusing on circular economy a year ago. The aim of the initiative is to build a Switzerland-wide logistics network enabling repurposing, recycling or reuse of pipes that have reached the end of their service life. 

To meet ambitious sustainability goals and to comply with emerging regulations, many industries are bringing their attention towards concepts such as a circular economy. When products have completed their service life, this approach attempts to prolong the product life cycle as much as possible by repurposing, recycling or reuse of old materials.


With sustainability deeply anchored in its strategy 2025, GF Piping Systems specializes in plastic flow solutions which already have a longer service life than materials such as metal. This longevity is attributed to their higher corrosion resistance and lower maintenance requirements. In pursuit of extending the benefits beyond product end-of-life scenarios, GF Piping Systems has launched various innovation projects in recent years.


Recognizing that circular economy requires concerted action by multiple stakeholders, GF Piping Systems initiated #TakingForward in November 2022. The roundtable brings together over ten organizations spanning the plastic value chain in Switzerland, including pipe producers, wholesalers, construction, renovation, and demolition companies, logistics providers, as well as recycling businesses. The primary goal of the initiative is to establish a robust logistics network that facilitates the retrieval and reuse of valuable plastic piping waste.


After a dedicated year of focused efforts, the project is poised to achieve a significant milestone. As of December 2023, GF Piping Systems will hand over leadership to the Association of Swiss Plastic Recyclers (VSPR, Verein Schweizer Plastic Recycler), which mandated Michael Gasser, a leading expert on circular economy, to become managing director. Gasser's mandate is to steer the overall initiative and oversee thematic pilot projects aimed at addressing key technical and organizational challenges associated with the development of a future-proof logistics network.


Joost Geginat, President of GF Piping Systems, comments on the project: „We are extremely proud to have been the driving force behind #TakingForward for the past year. I am confident that VSPR and Michael Gasser will do an excellent job in taking over and leading the efforts to turn the ambitious vision of the founding members into reality. By building an efficient plastic piping waste collection system in Switzerland, we will lead by example and together make an important contribution towards a circular economy.”


Find out more about GF Piping Systems’ sustainability initiatives here.



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Thu, 14 Dec 2023 11:00:00 +0000
Thermoplastic components by GF Piping Systems ensure a hygienic water supply on board a hospital ship Global Mercy is a floating hospital that provides free medical and surgical care for people in Sub-Saharan Africa. For improved hygiene and operational safety, the international charity Mercy Ships selected ecoFIT and INSTAFLEX by GF Piping Systems for various water applications on board. 


12/6/23 - 5:00 PM

The Global Mercy is a floating hospital that provides free medical and surgical care for people in Sub-Saharan Africa. For improved hygiene and operational safety, the international charity Mercy Ships selected ecoFIT and INSTAFLEX by GF Piping Systems for various water applications on board. 

Mercy Ships has been providing high-quality and professional healthcare to developing countries for over 45 years. The Global Mercy, the charity’s latest ship, is 174 meters long and provides space for 600 volunteers, 199 beds for patients, as well as extensive facilities for medical training. As a result, the ship requires large amounts of water with daily usage averaging 60,000 liters. During construction of the vessel’s water installation, Mercy Ships decided to forego the frequently used copper pipes in favor of two thermoplastic solutions by Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems.


In total, GF Piping Systems provided around 13.000 piping components, including ball valves, butterfly valves, and actuators. INSTAFLEX, a polybutene system designed for building technology applications, was selected for the hot and cold water installation as well as for the onboard water treatment system. At the same time, ecoFIT, a polyethylene system for use in a wide range of industrial applications, was installed for wastewater transportation.


The thermoplastic piping systems are corrosion-free and do not release any taste or pollutants, while smooth inner surfaces prevent issues such as limescale deposits. In addition, the lower weight of plastic has reduced the fuel consumption of the Global Mercy. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic during which the ship was constructed, GF Piping Systems was able to offer technical support as well as on-site installation training.


Access the full reference case here



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Wed, 06 Dec 2023 14:00:00 +0000
Marintec China 2023: GF Piping Systems to display marine approved solutions for increased efficiency on board is one of the leading shipbuilding nations and receives commissions from around the world. Marintec China is therefore an important hub to showcase current trends and innovations in the marine sector. At the 2023 edition, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems will display its lightweight and long-lasting thermoplastic solutions and preview HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant pipe jacket system.


11/27/23 - 6:00 PM

China is one of the leading shipbuilding nations and receives commissions from around the world. Marintec China is therefore an important hub to showcase current trends and innovations in the marine sector. At the 2023 edition, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems will display its lightweight and long-lasting thermoplastic solutions and preview HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant pipe jacket system.

In the first half of 2023, China led the global shipbuilding industry, contributing nearly 50% of the world's total output. Sustaining this output while simultaneously ensuring a high build quality requires technical solutions that combine efficiency, operational safety, and longevity. At Marintec 2023 in Shanghai, GF Piping Systems will therefore focus on two innovations: the fire-retardant HEAT-FIT PE system featuring co-extrusion technology for improved operational safety, and the pre-insulated COOL-FIT portfolio designed for more efficiency in HVAC applications on board.


HEAT-FIT PE is an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant jacket system HEAT-FIT for polyethylene piping systems. The marine-approved (ABS, BV, DNV, LR, RINA) HEAT-FIT System makes thermoplastic piping system fire-proof and enables their use in essential applications (L3) such as Ballast Water distribution and treatment, Fresh- and Seawater Cooling (Engine Cooling), and Exhaust Gas Scrubbing on board.  HEAT-FIT copes with the strict fire resistance regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and makes thermoplastic piping systems resistant to temperatures around 1,000°C for at least 30 minutes under pressure. With HEAT-FIT PE, GF Piping Systems introduces PE100 pipes with a high-performance intumescent coating applied via co-extrusion directly on the pipe. This new version of fire protection for pipes helps to increase the robustness of the fire protection, as well as reducing the handling and installation time rapidly.


COOL-FIT is a completely pre-insulated and marine-approved plastic piping system, including pipes, fittings, valves, and flexible hoses, for HVAC applications. Thanks to the factory-installed pre-insulation and vaporproof construction, cooling applications with water, glycol, and brine, can be operated up to 30% more efficiently compared to cooling systems operated with traditional post-insulated metal piping systems. Thanks to it’s material properties, the system doesn’t corrode, has a lifespan of up to 25 years and is 60% lighter than comparable solutions made of metal. As a result, COOL-FIT ensures long-term reliability and energy efficiency while reducing maintenance costs and improving the overall vessel performance.


Kelly Chen, Head of Sales Asia at GF Piping Systems, looks forward to attending Marintec 2023: “For more than 30 years, our marine approved piping systems, components, and services have been trusted by shipyards, owners, and operators, including the Chinese market. We are excited to display both proven technologies as well as innovations such as HEAT-FIT PE and create more connections for life in the Chinese shipbuilding sector.”

GF Piping Systems will be present at Marintec 2023 from 5 to 8 December in the Swiss Pavilion, Booth #N3B2E.




Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Mon, 27 Nov 2023 15:00:00 +0000
Prefabricated solutions by GF Piping Systems enable an efficient ship conversion for sand mining is an essential raw material for many industries and is used for concrete and asphalt production. Therefore, companies like Van Ouwerkerk BV have specialized in mining sand throughout extraction sites in the North Sea. The Dutch company’s latest addition to its fleet, the MS Zeeburg, uses the polyethylene solution ecoFIT by GF Piping Systems to provide long-lasting and corrosion-free jet lines for the dredging system. 


11/21/23 - 5:00 PM

Sand is an essential raw material for many industries and is used for concrete and asphalt production. Therefore, companies like Van Ouwerkerk BV have specialized in mining sand throughout extraction sites in the North Sea. The Dutch company’s latest addition to its fleet, the MS Zeeburg, uses the polyethylene solution ecoFIT by GF Piping Systems to provide long-lasting and corrosion-free jet lines for the dredging system. 

After acquiring the MS Bente, a cargo vessel with a length of 90 meters, Van Ouwerkerk commissioned her conversion into the Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) MS Zeeburg. Extensive work was necessary, including hull modifications, enlarging the aft accommodations and, most importantly, installing the necessary dredging equipment. During the project, Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen was tasked with providing piping for the dredging system and decided to implement an HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) solution by GF Piping Systems for the new jet lines. Jet lines are used to inject water into the sand in order to loosen it prior to mining. This process is also necessary to later transfer the sand from the ship’s hold to an inland barge.


After equipping more than twenty ships with solutions by GF Piping Systems, Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen was able to quickly prefabricate various pipe sections, including custom parts for the tight spaces on board.   In total, the company installed about 750 meters of HDPE ecoFIT pipes and covered dimensions from d63 to d355. ecoFIT now provides a number of important benefits for the mining company Van Ouwerkerk BV: As jet lines are constantly in contact with seawater, the HDPE pipes provide the necessary corrosion and temperature-resistance, allowing the MS Zeeburg to mine sand and seashells with a dredging system that is lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective. Throughout the project, GF Piping Systems supported Van Koeveringe Kunststoffen with technical support in areas such as bracket spacing and certification requirements.


ecoFIT is a lightweight polyethylene piping system designed to transport water and other media, and is corrosion-free as well as UV, weather, and abrasion-resistant. As a result, it is suitable for temperature ranges between -50 °C to 60 °C and has a service life of over 25 years, even in harsh environments. 



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:00:00 +0000
Webinar: GF Piping Systems to unveil the updated HEAT-FIT product line for marine applications 8 November 2023, experts from GF Piping Systems will share insights and demonstrate how selecting suitable piping materials can significantly improve efficiency and operational safety on board. In addition, the Swiss flow solutions provider will introduce HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant system with marine approvals. 


11/6/23 - 6:00 PM

On 8 November 2023, experts from GF Piping Systems will share insights and demonstrate how selecting suitable piping materials can significantly improve efficiency and operational safety on board. In addition, the Swiss flow solutions provider will introduce HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant system with marine approvals. 

Piping systems on board ships serve many purposes, from transporting a variety of essential fluids to increasing the ship’s efficiency or ensuring operational safety. At the same time, these systems can reach lengths of several hundred kilometers. As a result, planners and engineers are faced with the challenge of designing piping solutions that are reliable and long-lasting while being as efficient as possible.


With the upcoming webinar, GF Piping Systems aims to explore the benefits of thermoplastic piping systems in marine applications. Experts will discuss the role of material choice, cover application possibilities as well IMO regulations and approvals, and answer questions during a Q&A Session. Speakers include Roberto Chiesa, Global Business Development Marine, Kelly Chen, Head of Sales Asia, and Daniel Wunderle, Global Product Manager Marine at GF Piping Systems.


GF Piping Systems will also take the opportunity to unveil HEAT-FIT PE. Building on the fire-retardant pipe jacket system HEAT-FIT, the new addition to the portfolio features co-extruded ecoFIT pipes for the first time. This significantly improves impact and scratch resistance and speeds up the installation process thanks to a 2-in-1 piping system. HEAT-FIT is compatible with the ecoFIT (PE100) range of polyethylene pipes, fittings and valves by GF Piping Systems and is designed for applications rated L3 in the IMO fire endurance matrix. These include essential applications in the engine room such as ballast water, BWT, or cooling. HEAT-FIT has passed the L3 fire endurance test with an additional safety margin by withstanding fire with a temperature of up to 1000°C for 30 minutes at a pressure of 3 bar.


Roberto Chiesa, Global Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, is looking forward to hosting the webinar: “With over 30 years of experience as a partner of major players in the marine industry, we want to show our audience why thermoplastic flow solutions can improve efficiency, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance the sustainability of ships. I am especially happy to be unveiling our latest innovation HEAT-FIT PE as it will make the implementation of plastic pipes in demanding L3 applications easier than ever.”


Sign up for free and join the experts from GF Piping Systems on 8 November 2023 from 8:15 to 9:00 (GMT+01:00)




Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Mon, 06 Nov 2023 15:00:00 +0000
GF Piping Systems enters partnership with Technava in the Greek shipping industry is a supplier and contractor based in Athens who specializes in shipbuilding. With this partnership, GF Piping Systems aims to provide the Greek shipping industry with lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective flow solutions while also improving the availability of mission-critical components.  


10/11/23 - 3:00 PM

Technava is a supplier and contractor based in Athens who specializes in shipbuilding. With this partnership, GF Piping Systems aims to provide the Greek shipping industry with lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective flow solutions while also improving the availability of mission-critical components.  

Shipping is a major industry in Greece, the country controls about a fifth of the world’s merchant fleet. To ensure the continuous and efficient operation, shipowners and operators rely on suppliers that meet tight deadlines and offer long-lasting as well as cost-effective components. In addition, suppliers need to act as a link between European planners and Asian shipyards that build many of the vessels. Together, GF Piping Systems and Technava are therefore offering complete thermoplastic flow solutions for various applications on board and comprehensive support in all project phases.


Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems is deeply rooted in the marine sector. The thermoplastic piping systems, components, and services with marine approvals have been trusted by shipyards, owners, and operators for more than 30 years. Applications include water treatment and distribution, grey and black water disposal, cooling, exhaust gas scrubbing, and ballast water. Besides pipes and fittings, the company also provides equipment for measurement and control, as well as automation and jointing. Thermoplastic piping systems are corrosion-free which leads to a service life of up to 25 years and beyond, while their low weight and high energy efficiency help ships to become more sustainable. In addition, GF Piping Systems has a global presence with 36 production sites and 18 prefabrication facilities in a total of 31 countries and is therefore capable of customized solutions according to customer specifications.


Technava has been supplying marine equipment and technical support to the Greek shipping industry since 1968 and works on new builds as well as retrofits and conversions. The company is known for its engineering expertise and collaboration with the marine sector’s leading manufacturers.


Julian Backes, Head of Sales Marine EMEA at GF Piping Systems, emphasizes the importance of the partnership with Technava: “The Greek shipping industry is an important global market. We believe that our presence and focus on complete solutions can add value by bridging the gap between Greek owners and Asian shipyards. With our partner Technava, who is a key player, we are now able to offer cutting-edge and customizable piping systems to one of the world’s biggest merchant fleets, creating more connections for life.”


Byron Tomazos, President Technava adds: “We believe in the partnership with GF Piping Systems as we both value customer proximity, from the planning and engineering phase to the installation on board. And, thanks to our global network, Technava and GF Piping Systems can also offer a wide range of after-sales and retrofit services that ensure an optimal long-term operation.”  



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371
Wed, 11 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +0000
GF Piping Systems to present its portfolio with marine approvals at Kormarine 2023 is one of the leading countries in the shipbuilding sector and Kormarine has established itself as a key platform in the region. At Kormarine 2023, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems will therefore display its product lines for marine applications, including a preview of HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant system. Kormarine takes place from 24 to 27 October 2023. 


10/5/23 - 3:00 PM

Korea is one of the leading countries in the shipbuilding sector and Kormarine has established itself as a key platform in the region. At Kormarine 2023, Swiss flow solutions provider GF Piping Systems will therefore display its product lines for marine applications, including a preview of HEAT-FIT PE, an evolution of the company’s fire-retardant system. Kormarine takes place from 24 to 27 October 2023. 

Korea consistently secures large portions of the shipbuilding sector’s global order volume. As a result, the country’s shipyards rely on suppliers to provide long-lasting, energy efficient, and cost-effective solutions for some of the world’s most advanced ships. In addition to established thermoplastic products, GF Piping Systems will take the opportunity at Kormarine 2023 to preview HEAT-FIT PE, a line of fire-retardant pipes that features co-extrusion technology.


HEAT-FIT by GF Piping Systems is compatible with the ecoFIT range of polyethylene pipes and fittings and is designed to offer fire protection. The fire-retardant system, which was first introduced in 2022, requires a second installation step after the medium carrying pipes and fittings have been successfully jointed. With HEAT-FIT PE, the fire protection is directly built onto the co-extruded pipes.


In addition, the Swiss company will display COOL-FIT, a factory pre-insulated piping system for HVAC applications. It serves as a lighter and more durable alternative to post-insulated systems for cooling applications and refrigeration plants and features an environmental product declaration (EPD). For applications involving white, black, and grey water, visitors will be able to experience more lightweight solutions:


-        SeaCor which complies with FTP regulations on smoke, toxicity and surface flammability regulations and is approved by the United States Coast Guard and Transport Canada.  


-        SeaDrain White, a system that is NSF-certified and ASTM D635-compliant in addition to various approvals by marine classification societies.


-        AQUASYSTEM, a PP-R solution ideally suited for hot and cold water that features high temperature and pressure resistance and is suitable for drinking water installations.


-        Butterfly Valve 565, a valve that’s corrosion-free and 60% lighter than metal alternatives and comes in the same installation length as metal alternatives for a fast and direct replacement of old valves.



Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine, looks forward to taking part in Kormarine 2023: “Korea is an important market and known for high-quality shipbuilding. Therefore, we want to show the strengths of our thermoplastic solutions that cover a diverse range of materials and applications. We believe that we can continue to be a valuable partner for the Korean shipping industry thanks to efficient and cost-effective piping systems as well as our comprehensive support that covers all project phases and includes specialized solutions.”


Visit GF Piping Systems at Kormarine 2023 between 24 and 27 October at booth #2B20 in Hall 2.



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Thu, 05 Oct 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Fassmer Shipyard resolves condensation issue in HVAC application COOL-FIT, GF Piping Systems’ pre-insulated plastic piping system, Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. KG, a leading German shipyard for specialized high-performance vessels, addressed a condensation issue in the HVAC piping system. The solution, used in one of their latest projects, also brought several other benefits and efficiencies to the customer’s operations.


6/20/23 - 3:00 PM

Using COOL-FIT, GF Piping Systems’ pre-insulated plastic piping system, Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co. KG, a leading German shipyard for specialized high-performance vessels, addressed a condensation issue in the HVAC piping system. The solution, used in one of their latest projects, also brought several other benefits and efficiencies to the customer’s operations.

Fassmer is renowned for innovative designs, cutting-edge technologies, and high-quality standards. The shipyard has planned a series of four specialized high-performance vessels on behalf of a German owner. When designing the piping systems of special operations vessels, the reliability and operational safety of materials and components are crucial. HVAC and cooling systems are needed to ensure the safety and comfort of the crew. Selecting the right piping system can help ensure that the vessel can fulfill its mission effectively. Fassmer designed and equipped the series' first three vessels with traditional metal systems and post-installed soft rubber foam insulation and mineral wool to provide the best possible operating conditions on board the project. After being in service for some time, the ship's operators faced condensation issues with the metal solution, and parts of the insulation were damaged. 


With a strong focus on the quality and sustainability of their projects, Fassmer has decided to look for an improved solution for the execution of the fourth and last one of the ships. Although the ship design was originally laid out for an HVAC piping system made of copper and steel, Fassmer  decided to install the pre-insulated COOL-FIT system by GF Piping Systems. COOL-FIT pipes, fittings, valves, and tools consist of a medium-carrying PE100 pipe, a high-energy insulation foam, and a protecting HDPE pipe jacket, providing an extra layer of insulation and protection. Sealing lips ensure vapor-tight insulation and help to avoid condensation and resulting corrosion. During installation, the challenge was to adapt the system to the existing metal design. Still, thanks to the engineered components and the electrofusion technology, Fassmer could install the system without problems. The insulation step became obsolete thanks to the pre-insulated parts of the new solution.


Overall, Fassmer´s decision to install the marine-approved COOL-FIT system (ABS, BV, DNV, LR, RINA) on board their project has solved the condensation issue. It will also bring several other benefits to the owner and operators of the vessel: With the maintenance-free plastic piping system, the German owner can rely on an energy-efficient, lightweight solution for their HVAC system for the entire service life of the ship.


Find the full reference and more about GF Piping Systems' marine solutions here.



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Tue, 20 Jun 2023 12:00:00 +0000
Fire and ice: GF Piping Systems to show complete solutions for marine applications at Nor-Shipping 2023 company will display lightweight, corrosion-free, and sustainable plastic piping for the safe transport of water on board. The marine approved systems cover a wide range of applications in passenger and merchant vessels. Nor-Shipping takes place in Oslo, Norway, from 6 to 9 June, 2023. 


5/18/23 - 1:00 PM

The company will display lightweight, corrosion-free, and sustainable plastic piping for the safe transport of water on board. The marine approved systems cover a wide range of applications in passenger and merchant vessels. Nor-Shipping takes place in Oslo, Norway, from 6 to 9 June, 2023. 

The marine industry is facing a number of challenges. On the one hand, it is continuously looking for modern technology to optimize the sustainability and cost-effectiveness of ships and offshore applications. At the same time, it requires a reliable supply chain as well as technical support in all phases from planning to commissioning. At Nor-Shipping 2023, GF Piping Systems will therefore display complete solutions, from ballast water treatment and cooling to onboard water supply. These include the fire-retardant pipe jacket system HEAT-FIT for use in essential applications, the pre-insulated COOL-FIT system for HVAC applications, the Hycleen Automation System for hygienic and safe drinking water management, and the Butterfly Valve 565 for lightweight flow control.


The thermoplastic piping systems, components, and services with marine approvals by GF Piping Systems have been trusted by shipyards, owners, and operators for more than 30 years. Applications include water treatment and distribution, grey and black water disposal, cooling, as well as exhaust gas scrubbing and ballast water distribution and treatment. Besides pipes and fittings, the company also provides equipment for measurement and control, as well as automation and jointing. Thermoplastics have a lower carbon footprint compared to metal and feature renewable and recyclable materials. Their low weight simplifies logistics and handling during the installation and maintenance. Once installed, thermoplastic piping systems are corrosion-free which leads to a service life of up to 25 years and beyond, while their low weight and energy efficiency help ships to reduce their fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, GF Piping Systems has a global presence with 36 production sites and 18 prefabrication facilities in a total of 31 countries, and is therefore capable of customized solutions according to customer specifications.


Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems, comments on Nor-Shipping 2023: “At Nor-Shipping we want to show that we follow a holistic approach to the marine industry and offer complete solutions from a single source that can be installed throughout ships. This is possible due to our global production and prefabrication capabilities, which enable flexible and efficient support in all project phases. And, thanks to the material benefits of thermoplastic piping systems, we can contribute to the marine industry’s sustainability goals and its compliance with IMO guidelines.”


One of many examples where products by GF Piping Systems are helping ships to be built and operated more sustainably: In 2022, GF Piping outfitted Costa Luminosa, a 92.000 GT cruise ship with a capacity of 2,800 passengers, with a new hot and cold water manifold. After discovering that the original metal system was suffering from corrosion, the Costa Cruise Line decided to replace the ageing components with more durable alternatives. Data taken from 3D scans was used to precisely replicate the manifolds with custom-made, prefabricated ecoFIT and INSTAFLEX systems made from polyethylene and polybutene, respectively. Thanks to GF Piping Systems’ CAD libraries and prefabrication capabilities, the replacement manifold could be adapted to the specific needs of Costa Luminosa, and the installation could be carried out quickly with a minimal impact on the passengers and crew. The ship now benefits from a lightweight, corrosion-free solution that requires very little maintenance and reduces operational costs.


Visit GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping in Oslo from 6 to 9 June 2023 at booth D01-08.  


Find out more about the marine portfolio by GF Piping Systems.




Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Thu, 18 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
SeaDrain White – the thermoplastic black and grey water drainage system with two jointing technologies polypropylene drainage piping system is lighter in weight, lighter on maintenance requirements, lighter on installation time and labor, and lighter in lifetime system costs than competing metal systems. SeaDrain White is a paint- and corrosion-free system and was introduced to the market in 2020. Since it's market introduction, GF Piping Systems has collected customer feedback and has used the past months to further optimize SeaDrain White for the customer's needs. 

The SeaDrain White grey and black water system is suitable for any type of ship, but it is particularly popular in the passenger sector. The system's unique material and color properties make it ideal for installations on cruise ships, passenger ferries and luxury yachts, both in a new build or a retrofit. As a plastic piping system, the solution offers many benefits compared to traditional metal systems and has a long, maintenance-free service life. The installation is simplified thanks to lightweight components, a low demand for pipe clamps, and the flexibility of two easy jointing technologies: It is the first drainage system for black and grey water that can be installed either with mechanical or welded connections. Both methods facilitate a simple and fast installation without welding work. The SeaDrain White piping system is developed and produced in the USA and has been approved for use by ABS, DNV, Lloyds Register and RINA. In addition, it is NSF-certified.


SeaDrain is made of a light, flexible, strong, and corrosion-free high-performance polymer. The bright white color contains additives for UV resistance against discoloration, negating the need for external paint. The result is an appealing aesthetic that simultaneously reduces installation times – which can also lead to significant cost savings in applications such as installing 8km of balcony piping on a cruise ship.


“Over the past years, we have taken the time to evolve our drainage system”, comments SeaDrain White Product Manager Benjamin Levie. “Together with our customers, we were able to considerably improve the quality and the handling. We are very grateful for the support our customers offer, as they contribute to the success of GF Piping Systems and help us to strengthen our position as a provider of complete piping solutions. Our customizable product offering including pipes, fittings, valves, tools, and services simplifies the planning and installation process for shipbuilders around the world”, Levie believes. 


Working towards a more sustainable maritime industry

Traditionally, many pipes onboard ships have been made of either steel or metal. The drawbacks of these materials are their high weight and susceptibility to corrosion. “Plastic pipes, on the other hand, are a win-win for the maritime industry”, explains Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems. “Due to their material properties, they are not only faster and cheaper to install and maintain, but also make ships more energy efficient. After 30 years in the maritime industry, we are very aware that we need to protect our oceans and our climate moving forward. I believe that plastic piping systems as part of a holistic strategy can play an important role in achieving these goals and create connections for life”, Chiesa adds.


SeaDrain is an important component to make shipbuilding more sustainable. As a corrosion-free drainage system, it offers a simplified installation, weight savings, and a longer service life – combined with a paint-free and UV resistant plastic solution. It is sustainability dressed in white.


Meet GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping 2023 from 6 to 9 June in Oslo, Norway, at booth D01-08.



5/17/23 - 11:00 AM

The polypropylene drainage piping system is lighter in weight, lighter on maintenance requirements, lighter on installation time and labor, and lighter in lifetime system costs than competing metal systems. SeaDrain White is a paint- and corrosion-free system and was introduced to the market in 2020. Since it's market introduction, GF Piping Systems has collected customer feedback and has used the past months to further optimize SeaDrain White for the customer's needs. 

The SeaDrain White grey and black water system is suitable for any type of ship, but it is particularly popular in the passenger sector. The system's unique material and color properties make it ideal for installations on cruise ships, passenger ferries and luxury yachts, both in a new build or a retrofit. As a plastic piping system, the solution offers many benefits compared to traditional metal systems and has a long, maintenance-free service life. The installation is simplified thanks to lightweight components, a low demand for pipe clamps, and the flexibility of two easy jointing technologies: It is the first drainage system for black and grey water that can be installed either with mechanical or welded connections. Both methods facilitate a simple and fast installation without welding work. The SeaDrain White piping system is developed and produced in the USA and has been approved for use by ABS, DNV, Lloyds Register and RINA. In addition, it is NSF-certified.


SeaDrain is made of a light, flexible, strong, and corrosion-free high-performance polymer. The bright white color contains additives for UV resistance against discoloration, negating the need for external paint. The result is an appealing aesthetic that simultaneously reduces installation times – which can also lead to significant cost savings in applications such as installing 8km of balcony piping on a cruise ship.


“Over the past years, we have taken the time to evolve our drainage system”, comments SeaDrain White Product Manager Benjamin Levie. “Together with our customers, we were able to considerably improve the quality and the handling. We are very grateful for the support our customers offer, as they contribute to the success of GF Piping Systems and help us to strengthen our position as a provider of complete piping solutions. Our customizable product offering including pipes, fittings, valves, tools, and services simplifies the planning and installation process for shipbuilders around the world”, Levie believes. 


Working towards a more sustainable maritime industry

Traditionally, many pipes onboard ships have been made of either steel or metal. The drawbacks of these materials are their high weight and susceptibility to corrosion. “Plastic pipes, on the other hand, are a win-win for the maritime industry”, explains Roberto Chiesa, Head of Business Development Marine at GF Piping Systems. “Due to their material properties, they are not only faster and cheaper to install and maintain, but also make ships more energy efficient. After 30 years in the maritime industry, we are very aware that we need to protect our oceans and our climate moving forward. I believe that plastic piping systems as part of a holistic strategy can play an important role in achieving these goals and create connections for life”, Chiesa adds.


SeaDrain is an important component to make shipbuilding more sustainable. As a corrosion-free drainage system, it offers a simplified installation, weight savings, and a longer service life – combined with a paint-free and UV resistant plastic solution. It is sustainability dressed in white.


Meet GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping 2023 from 6 to 9 June in Oslo, Norway, at booth D01-08.





Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Wed, 17 May 2023 08:00:00 +0000
COOL-FIT: Certified sustainability for marine cooling applications approvals by DNV, RINA, Lloyds Register, and Bureau Veritas, COOL-FIT has already changed the planning, installation, and operation of cooling applications on ships. The entirely pre-insulated plastic piping system is a lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective solution for air conditioning and refrigeration onboard. Now, COOL-FIT has been assessed with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). 


5/3/23 - 1:00 PM

With approvals by DNV, RINA, Lloyds Register, and Bureau Veritas, COOL-FIT has already changed the planning, installation, and operation of cooling applications on ships. The entirely pre-insulated plastic piping system is a lightweight, long-lasting, and cost-effective solution for air conditioning and refrigeration onboard. Now, COOL-FIT has been assessed with an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). 

As the marine industry strives to become more sustainable, shipbuilders, owners, and operators require modern technology that helps them reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. In 2022, a study commissioned by GF Piping Systems and conducted by the ship design and engineering specialist Foreship showed that COOL-FIT, the company’s pre-insulated plastic piping system, is helping ship owners and operators to save fuel, reduce emissions, and lower costs.


For added transparency, the company has now assessed the COOL-FIT range with an EPD in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804. An EPD is a standardized, third-party verified document that uses scientifically quantified data from Life Cycle Assessments to estimate environmental impacts and enable comparisons between similar products.


In addition to sustainability and performance, the COOL-FIT range also offers a number of new components that address the specific needs of the marine industry. When ships are built using individually assembled sections, a sliding coupler allows pre-installed piping systems to be quickly connected. Similarly, the sliding coupler also simplifies the process of retrofitting sections of pipe on existing ships. The COOL-FIT Fixpoint kit, on the other hand, is designed as a solution for the high loads often encountered on large ships with pipe dimensions over DN140 and a length exceeding 50 meters. It is capable of withstanding three times the forces of a standard fixpoint.


Daniel Dossenbach, Head of Global Product Management Cooling at GF Piping Systems is proud of COOL-FIT’s performance in the industry: “We have already shown that COOL-FIT makes ships more efficient and sustainable. With our EPD certification we now also provide transparent information on the environmental performance of the system itself, which benefits the customer. Combined with COOL-FIT products that are specifically designed for the high demands onboard, we believe that we can offer the marine industry a flexible and complete cooling solution that plays a valuable role in achieving their sustainability goals.”  


COOL-FIT is a completely pre-insulated plastic piping system consisting of pipes, fittings, valves, flexible hoses, and tools. They can be implemented in secondary refrigeration and air conditioning applications using chilled water, as well as glycol, ethanol, and brine in the -50°C to +60°C temperature range. Thanks to the factory-installed pre-insulation of the plastic components and the vaporproof construction, the system facilitates 30% better insulation performance within the cooling circuit compared to a traditional post-insulated piping system made of metal. Furthermore, it is 60% lighter than post-insulated metal systems and can be installed 50% faster thanks to electrofusion jointing technology. Through the application of corrosion-free materials, COOL-FIT has a service life of 25 years and therefore saves resources that would otherwise be necessary for maintenance, repairs, or replacements.  


Meet GF Piping Systems at Nor-Shipping 2023 from 6 to 9 June in Oslo, Norway, at booth D01-08.


Find out more about COOL-FIT’s EPD certification.



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Wed, 03 May 2023 10:00:00 +0000
GF Piping Systems opens 4.000m2 warehouse in Florida,-floridaGF Piping Systems, the leading flow solutions provider, is opening a new warehouse focused on products and services for the cruise industry on 27 March 2023. 


3/27/23 - 4:00 PM

GF Piping Systems, the leading flow solutions provider, is opening a new warehouse focused on products and services for the cruise industry on 27 March 2023. 

After the old warehouse with 1.000m2 of floor space had been operated for more than 40 years, the Swiss company made the decision to scale up its presence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The new 4.000m2 facility in the world's cruise capital is large enough to store over 13 kilometers of pipes, while 23 employees will focus on distribution and sales for customers across the cruise industry and beyond.


The goal of the new warehouse is to further increase customer proximity. On the one hand, the larger stock footprint on-site covers the the company’s entire marine portfolio, including Instaflex, ecoFIT, Sanipex MT, iFIT, COOL-FIT, SeaDrain White, Marine grade PVC-C and PVC-U piping systems, as well as a wide range of fittings and flanges. The warehouse also features a showroom and training center that introduces customers to GF Piping Systems’ products and services, and prefabrication capabilities for custom solutions. In addition to the cruise industry, the new location will contribute to the company’s growth in the merchant marine business as well as the thriving floating wind and offshore energy markets. 


Eric Arenas, Marine Technical Director at GF Piping Systems Marine USA, comments “We believe that customer proximity is essential to providing the highest quality piping systems – and creating connections for life. I personally look forward to welcome customers at our new facility and show them GF Piping Systems’ sustainable water solutions that reflect decades of experience in the industry.”


Christian Ludwig, Head of Marine at GF Piping Systems, sees the expansion as an important step for the company: “GF Piping Systems is a longtime partner and supplier for shipyards and operators across the marine sector, and the cruise industry in particular. We want to further improve the customer experience by enhancing product availability and offering services that make the installation of our products as easy as possible – in applications ranging from cruise ships to floating wind farms.”


GF Piping Systems has more than 30 years of experience in the marine sector and is commited to offering innovative, energy-saving solutions that contribute to the industry’s goal of becoming more sustainable. The corrosion-free and lightweight thermoplastic piping systems minimize maintenance requirements and have a longer service life than metal alternatives. The company’s marine portfolio covers applications such as water treatment and distribution, grey and black water disposal, cooling, as well as exhaust gas scrubbing and ballast water distribution and treatment.


GF Piping Systems’ new facility in Fort Lauderdale, FL, begins operation on 26 March 2023.  

Discover GF Piping Systems’ products for the marine sector.



Constanze Werdermann
Global PR Manager
Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
Ebnatstrasse 111
8201 Schaffhausen
Phone: +41 52 631 3371

About GF Piping Systems 

As the leading flow solutions provider for the safe and sustainable transport of fluids, GF Piping Systems creates connections for life. The division focuses on industry-leading leak-free piping solutions for numerous demanding end-market segments. Its strong focus on customer-centricity and innovation is reflected by its global sales, service, and manufacturing footprint and its award-winning portfolio, including fittings, valves, pipes, automation, fabrication, and jointing technologies.

GF Piping Systems has its own sales companies in 31 countries, which means it is always by its customers' side. Production sites in 36 locations in America, Europe, and Asia ensure sufficient availability and quick, reliable delivery. In 2022, GF Piping Systems generated sales of CHF 2'160 million and employed 8'085 people. GF Piping Systems is a division of Georg Fischer AG, founded in 1802 and headquartered in Schaffhausen, Switzerland.


Mon, 27 Mar 2023 13:00:00 +0000,-florida